Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom: Prologue

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"This is Delta, she's one of the holdover theropods, one of the survivors from the second group." (Y/N) tells the camera in her face.

Owen and (Y/N) had started a log on the baby raptors and their behavior as they grew older.

"Now watch this. I show any sign of weakness whatsoever..." Owen says.

Owen feigns a whine of sadness, and Delta curiously steps towards him, before pouncing on Owen's arm. Attaching her baby dinosaur teeth to him.

(Y/N) grins at the baby in pride, as does Owen.

"See that?"

The video cuts to Owen sitting in an office.

"Day 176. Blue is showing unprecedented levels of compliance." Owen voices over as the screen flips back over to (Y/N) interacting with Blue.

"Here (Y/N) is with Blue, she's a theropod from the new group- er, Blue I mean, not (Y/N)."

"Thanks Owen." A background voice is heard in the video sarcastically.

"If she shows signs of weakness..."

(Y/N) in the video is playing around with the baby dinosaur, before covering her eyes, and feigning a crying/sobbing noise.

The baby raptor with the blue stripes curiously tilted her head, before carefully approaching (Y/N). She nudged (Y/N)'s left hand gently. And when (Y/N) didn't remove her hands, Blue stepped closer to her, and nudged (Y/N)'s cheek.

(Y/N) removed her hands slowly from her face with a gentle smile.

"Hey girlie. I'm okay." She said.

Blue looked at (Y/N) for a second, almost admiring her.

The footage cut to Owen sitting next to (Y/N). The two looked at each other before (Y/N) coughed awkwardly.

"She's pretty extraordinary." Owen says, not taking his eyes off (Y/N).

The video cuts back to (Y/N) playing with Blue while her voiceover starts.

"Blue, displaying levels of interest, concern, hyper-intelligence, cognitive bonding..."

(Y/N) tilts her head back and forth, Blue mimicking her with interest.

"See that? She's tilting her head, she's craning forward. Increased eye movement. She's curious."

(Y/N) looks at Blue with love in her eyes.

"She's showing empathy."

"Blue is the key." Owen's voiceover says as the video cuts back to Owen and (Y/N) in an office.

"You have Blue, you get these raptors to do anything." (Y/N) says seriously.

Guess who's back? :)
I wanted to make sure I had at least a few chapters under my belt before beginning the next movie. I've also been very busy with my other stories haha.

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