Universe 18: Bluey

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Race: Dog

Breed: Scottish Terrior

Nationality: Scotland

Birth Place: Scotland

Name: Elijah MacMar

Age: 24

Fur Color: Jet Black

Thick & Natural hair style:
Front and side parts looks like and is inspired by Senko-san's hair, while the back is done in a half man bun fashion with it reaching his upper back, with silver and black viking-like Chinese and Scottish hair beads. That make his hair look like loose and flowing dreadlocks.

Facial hair Style: thick terrior mustache & goatee

Voice: deep and soothing (very nice especially with his accent)

Thick Accent: Scottish (but can hide it when singing sometimes)

Body type: well toned and fit

Height: 5'6" (he's a runt)

Gender: male

Sexuality: very, very straight

Hyper intelligent, independent, cunning, loyal, tough, fearless, quick thinking, honorable, very humble, humorous, observant, laid-back, carefree, down-to-earth, responsible, adventurous, caring, loving, calm and cool understand pressure, lovely to be around, patient, introverted yet fun.

his family & friends, his career, wearing clothes, downloading music from records to cassette taps, his cars, classic cars, whiskey, spicy noodles, cooking, reading, sparing, helping out others, kids (he's good with them and is a big softy), his Charger, and having fun.

cheaters, jerks, betrayers, evil, when innocent and good people or his family are in danger, tofu, and being stuck at home.


1.Scots Gaelic (first language)

2. English (second language)

Career: successful singer and musician

Career: successful singer and musician---------------------------(Clothes)

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