the end :(

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Alright, no trust is being cancelled guys. I'm sorry. I know play the womp womp noises... But, here is my explanation to why!

1. The lack of logic.

I have reread some of it and just sat there and wondered "WHERE IS THE BASIC LOGIC HERE????" i clearly rushed a LOT of this story. And, I didn't really know what I was doing.

2. The writing itself.

Okay. This one is just... Wow. I really hate it. I can't express how much I hate this. It's just a lot of big paragraphs with really dumb logic.

3. The way the story was going.

I didn't know, and still don't know, a lot about psychology and how this could actually affect real life people. I know a good few google searches and books later I can do it but that will be for another time.

4. The way I was doing the characters.

I didn't plan ANY of this!!! I drew a few doodles of the characters yes, but I didn't actually right or draw them.  So I don't have anything to go off of.

5. The storyline itself.

Again, poor planning. I do have rough ideas of where this will go, but not a full daft of it.

So, here is what's gonna happen. I'm gonna post the drawing, what was gonna happen (roughly), everyone is welcome to ask questions!! I do have one chapter in progress that I will post. But, no trust is now no more!! Alright, thanks for bearing with me. Sushi out.


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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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