The first commitment.

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Test tube walked out of her office and down the hall, her footsteps echoing throughout the hallway. The scissors in her hand. She had a surgical mask in her pocket, along with gloves. She stopped at the entrance to the subject's dorms. She used her handprint to open the door. She installed it so no one could enter without her. She walked in and closed the door behind her, locking it. She walked over to fans room. Test tube unlocked the door with a password, that was the same for all rooms. She walked in and locked the door behind her. She slipped on the gloves and put on the mask. She walked up to where fan was sleeping and crouched down next to him, placing the scissors down. *Do I need to do this..? No! I don't need to TOUCHER my friend for answers! But I need answers!* Test tube got up but stepped on the scissors making a loud crash sound against the metal floor. Fan slowly opens his eyes. "Test tu-?" Test tube crouches back down, slamming her hand against fans mouth. "Listen F12. If you don't scream, shout yell, or even make a peep, this can work out." "Test tube what do yo-" Test tube attempted to stab fan. Fan was able to doge it though. Fan quickly stood up, along with test tube.

Lightbulb and paintbrush woke up to the loud crash

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Lightbulb and paintbrush woke up to the loud crash. "test tube..?! What is happening?!" Fan yelled but not directly at test tube, he couldn't see due to his glasses being on the floor. "I told you to keep quiet fan." "TEST TUBE STOP YOUR SCARING ME!" fan was cornered, his back against the wall. Test tube pinned him down, holding the scissors behind her. "I TOLD YOU TO KEEP QUIET. FAN." "YOU NEVER SAY MY NAME LIKE THAT WHATS- AHHHHH" test tube stabbed fan right above his right eye. She continued to move the scissors down his face, all the way past his eye and stopped a little bit above his mouth. Fan blood curtling screams echoed through the rooms. it woke up everyone. They all stood there in shock. "What.... What the fuck.." paintbrush whisper. Everyone looked at test tube in horror. Fan layed on the ground holding the right side of him up. He was slowly bleeding out, blood flowed through his room. "Wh- why?! I can't- I don't want to die...." Fan passed out. Test tube grabbed him and picked him up. She walked out the dorms and to the medical room. "No... No no no no NO!  This isn't real..." Lightbulb fell to the ground sobbing. Seeing lightbulb like this made paintbrush furious.

   Their hair flickered then caught fire. "TEST TUBE I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR US! YOU'RE A FUCKING ASHOLE YOU HEAR?! THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM!?" "Shut up. P12" "no id rather not." Paintbrush said very sarcastically. "Oh okay." Test tubes voice cut off. "Paintbrush this is how you get your self killed." Marshmello whispers to them. "Test tube won't kill her own friend." "DID YOU NOT SEE WHAT HAPPENED TO FAN JUST KNOW?" "You're.... You're right." They say down. "I'm sorry." "Painty don't be... I'm the one who agreed to this... Let alone draged you here." "Lightbulb it's fine we're going to find a way out of here." "But we can't! There's passwords on everything! And test tube won't leave anytime soon! If she stayed down here for 5 months think about how much longer she can stay down here. *Sigh* I wish I was a better team captain.." "light bulb you're an amazing team captain. Just because we're down here doesn't me you have to blame yourself." "Okay.. okay." "SHUT UP IM TRYING TO SLEEP!" "Yang! Sorry guys yang just wants to sleep." Yin informed them. "Oh it's okay. It's like..." Paintbrush looked at the clock at the end of the hall. " Midnight it's all good. We can talk more in the morning. Night." Paintbrush layed down and closed there eyes. "Night." Lightbulb said very depressingly.

      "Marshy?" Apple asked. "Hm? Yeah what is it?" "Will fan be okay..?" "I don't know apple. I don't." Marshmello informed apple. She never said she didn't know to apple. She always came up with a reason. Like one time apple asked why giraffes toungs are blue. She told her that giraffes ansestors like blueberry. And they are a lot of them which turned their toung blue. But know Marshmellow didn't have an answer. "Oh.. okay well good night marshy..." "Night apple..."

                              With test tube

Fan is going to be pissed at me.  Test tube thought, rapping the bandage around fans head. He looked like something out of a horror movie, and she was the culprit. There were blood on her hands, labcoat and on the floor, fan had bright red blood dripping down his face still. Test tube hopped she did a descent job on the stitches. She did go to nursing school, or "school that's for doctors" as light bulb would call it. So she leard some medical stuff that turned out to be useful. Fan also had an IV hooked up to him along with a heart monitor. It beeped slowly but steady. Test tube finished rapping up fan and lied him down on the hospital bead she had. She closed the door and walked out. She felt bad, but also good. Like she relieved some built up anger deep inside of her. It felt good to let it out. She felt like a god. Come one test tube, don't get head of yourself! She walked back into her office and shut the door. She walked up to the monitor and turned on the mic.

"Apologize for the inconvenience subjects!" Test tubes voice echoed though the hall. "Wheres fan." Paintbrush asked angerly. "He is in the medical room, he will be back by the time you wake up." Test tube informed them. "Okay..." Paintbrush said, laying back down. "And once again, good night subjects."

Test tube walked back to her bed and lied down, pulling the covers over her, grabbing her stuffed animal named, teddy. She took off her glasses and put them on the nightstand next to her bead, with empty red bull cans along with water bottles. She looked up at the ceiling and closed her eyes. Tomorrow will be wonderful.


You will have to type it but whateves but cya in chapter 5!!!



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