cousin. #3

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"iS zIt rEaLlY yOu?"

This voice.. It wasn't some monster, it was human, just like me. Maybe they could get me out of here! I could be HOME at last! I opened my eyes, a little relieved that my life had seemingly been spared. When I opened them, however, I jumped back in shock.

What I was looking at; didn't seem human at all.

"WaIt CoUsIn, It'S mE, dAmOn.  dOn'T bE AfRaId."

With its decrepit and malnourished build, along with it's cloaked appearance, this thing looked like something straight out of a horror movie.  I pulled my aching body off of the ground in haste and began to run, only for the same figure to appear in front of me.

"JaCk, PlEaSe."

I attempted to change direction, only for it to be there once more.

"YoU hAvE tO lIsTeN tO mE, pLeAsE dOn'T bE zHiS wAy."

I ran

"CoUsIn, DoN't LeAvE mE hErE aGaIn."

And ran

Until I couldn't anymore. It was almost like it was everywhere at once, leaving me with nowhere to run. No matter what I did, I couldn't escape. ~non puoi scappare dal tuo destino.  After all that struggle, all I could do was collapse on my knees, out of breath and out of hope.

"I'm NoT gOiNg To HuRt YoU, dOn'T yOu ReMeMbEr Me?"

"____ _____ __ _____!"

I couldn't take it anymore.

"LeAvE yOu AlOnE-? bUt Ve'Re FaMiLy!"

I suddenly froze in disbelief. What did I just do-? Being social is my brother's thing, not mine. I guess all of this unwanted stress just got to my head, hard to think straight when it's hard to breathe. Regardless, I broke down in tears. I felt stranded, and I simply wanted to go HOME, where I belonged.

I wanted to see my brother's cheerful attitude again, I wanted to be able to hug him, give him advice, and just be ME. Nothing else mattered to me more than that. Not like I could recall anything else anyway.

"ZiT's OkAy CoUsIn, I'm HeRe."

Surprisingly, it wrapped me in its arms. Despite my pleads for this thing to leave me alone and to not hurt me, it still persisted in its support. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that this thing seemed to have a brotherly aura. Maybe this thing isn't a monster after all. 

As I had begun to calm down, the unstable walls around us began to crumble and cave in due to the strange fleshy material from earlier seemingly holding it together, causing the hooded figure to stuff me inside of its cloak and seemingly escape with ease. He took me out again and put me on his back, reassuring me everything was going to be okay now.  We were now in a tunnel filled with the same flesh as before, pulsating back and forth.  What the hell is all of this?  Where even am I?

Despite my immense confusion, I didn't have enough energy to think any further. All I could do was fall into the back of my eyelids, still hoping that all of this was some kind of lucid dream.

I guess only time will tell though.

~a tempo debito

~1: You can't escape your destiny

~2: In due time

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