The Willow Maid

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The sun flickered through the tall, leering trees, making the young king feel so small; something he rarely ever felt. His hand stayed on the hilt of his sheathed sword, narrowing his eyes. Cassian knew better than to trust the supernatural, hell, he was the king to the Damaris throne, a lineage that had single handedly conquered half of the realm on their own; cementing the Damaris empire.
But, when a dark figure in the dead of night appears in your chambers and sings whispers of great treasure in the woods just outside of the kingdom... it was hard for Cassian to stay away. The man had always had an adventurous spirit since the day he was born and could not ignore that some form of magical being was guiding him.

Cassian stopped dead in his tracks when he heard an enchanting melody- the sound of a feminine voice singing a song in some old language he did not understand. Nonetheless, it was the most beautiful sound to have ever graced his ears.
The king slowly crept towards the sound, still weary. Quietly, he moved through the brush and thistle- coming upon a mossy clearing with a grand willow tree in the middle. Though the scenery was a sight to see, it did not compare to the beauty underneath the great tree.

A young woman, completely bare was sat at the base of the willow tree, her hand against the bark as she sang the elegant tune he had heard. She had h/c hair longer than the length of her body, some of it covering her breasts and the rest draped over her bottom half just enough so he could not see every inch of her naked body.
Cassian felt as if he had been entranced by the simple sight of her, taking a clumsy step forward and cracking a stick in the process.

The woman stopped her song quickly and looked back at him with wide e/c eyes. She quickly got to her feet and scurried behind the tree, cautiously peeking her head around its large trunk to peek at the man. She had never seen a man so close in her life- nonetheless one so handsome.
The girl took in his features slowly, examining every detail. His face was chiseled, reminding her of the stone that resided in the woods; his short, messy hair and eyes the color of oak. His face was bare signifying youth- yet his attire was regal. He was dressed in a deep red with gold accenting it, the sword in his sheath bearing an intricate hilt of silver and symbols she did not understand.

"My lady-" He spoke, causing her to flinch. Though his voice was low like a man, it shook like a boy.
He put his hands up in a way of surrender, to tell her he was no harm. But she was skeptical. Men with their weapons, machinery, and fire always proved to be destructive in the end. She had caught glimpses of their livelihoods from afar and was warned of such. Thus, the reason she lived in a part of the woods that was rarely touched by mortals.

"I'm sorry if I have frightened you- I was just... enchanted by your song." He explained, looking at her with eyes that seemed genuine... but she couldn't shake the danger she felt from looking into them. "I am Cassian of-" He stopped himself. Maybe he didn't want her to know he was king of the kingdom that she most likely resided under. "Just Cassian." He finished, willing her in his mind to respond.
She stayed silent for a second, contemplating if she should even entertain the very thing she was warned to avoid.
"My name is Y/N." The young woman replied, Cassian's heart pounding at just the sound of her voice. It was sweeter than a ripe apple and as pleasing as a calm river, even without the song.

He smiled lightly and relaxed slightly, causing her to give him a wary look.
"Do not be afraid- I promise I won't hurt you." He breathed before, grabbing his sword- causing her to duck behind the tree. "No!- no... look." Cassian added before throwing the hand crafted sword into the brush.
Y/N peeked back out, seeing him weaponless.

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