Chapter Nine: Habit of Lying

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"If Lamen was about your age, then tell me...

" did he die?"

As soon as the question had left his lips, Jinshi felt a wave of animosity crash into him. Startled, he looked to Lakan, finding that those familiar sapphire eyes were filled with an unrivaled hostility that he was certain would have caused any soldier to fear for his life. With a slight panic, he began to understand how this one individual could single-handedly command Li's entire military force without complaint.

Jinshi momentarily debated on letting the fox win. After all, what he was asking for severely invaded the La clan's privacy, which he had no right to impose upon, but the desire to understand Luomiere, a girl whom he knew dangerously little about, was beginning to overwhelm him in a way he couldn't fully comprehend.

The way Jinshi felt regarding Luomiere was something he couldn't quite place his finger upon. He had admitted that he cared for her, yes, but it wasn't as a friend, partner, or even a person. To him, she was comparable to a valuable pawn: one in which he wanted to be able to use as he pleased. Having her upset or in pain would render her useless to him, which is why he had rushed to comfort her when she had seemingly needed aid. He hadn't realized how precious of a toy she was to him until he had embraced her, as if he was willing her not to break. To him, that's all that moment truly was: an attempt to fix his broken toy.

He had no intentions of marrying her; in that regard, he was resolute. He would continue to use Luomiere to his benefit, and in the meantime, coax her into falling in love with him. If he were able to understand her better, he would know how to get closer to her and thus, further his own personal goals. The plan remained the same: get Luomiere to fall in love with his alter-ego so she would call off her engagement to the Moon Prince. It was that simple. All he had to do was gather information, which was precisely why he had invited a man he despised into his abode.

Speaking of said man, his fox-like eyes were still scrutinizing Jinshi, but the raging storm within them had calmed significantly. As the strategist was pouring the scarlet liquid of his bottle into a cup, Jinshi found himself curious. He wondered what the man would reply with. He was almost certain that he wouldn't be hearing the full truth, but maybe Lakan would bite, even just a little, if Jinshi brought up the incident with Luomiere; however, he hesitated in doing so. As cunning as he was, Lakan seemed like a devoted father, and there was no telling how he would react if he knew his daughter had broken down into tears on her first day away from home.

Knowing him, Jinshi thought, he might attempt to rile up the military, and that's the last thing I need.

He folded his hands underneath his chin. But perhaps...

"Lakan," Jinshi said, deciding that the silence had gone on too long. The man before him perked up, but he didn't meet Jinshi in the eye; instead, he swirled the cup of liquid around in his hand, watching intently as the juice coated the edges in a fine red.

Jinshi resisted the urge to sigh. It would seem that I have my work cut out for me.

"I apologize for asking such an intrusive question," he continued nonetheless, "but I have my own concerns regarding Luomiere."

The strategist's eyes finally met his own, and Jinshi took this as a sign to proceed.

"She seems distant. Distraught, even. I can't imagine a girl her age being homesick, but I confess that I know very little about her. I was hoping you could enlighten me," he said, sounding genuinely troubled.

Then, almost as an afterthought, he added, "I want her to be happy here, and as her father, I'm certain you can appreciate that sentiment."

In expressing his concern for Luomiere, Jinshi had hoped to coerce Lakan into revealing something—anything—about her, but as the strategist studied him with a most unreadable expression, Jinshi began to feel anxious. Quietly, he asked himself if the man before him would be able to give him the answers he desired. What he was asking for was a mere glimpse into the mind of Luomiere, but would this man, her adoptive father, be able to deliver?

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