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It was finally Saturday and I couldn't wait for Bey to come over. I didn't stick with my hard to get act for longer than an hour and then agreed to hang out.

I bought a bunch of snacks and had a couple movies ready for us. I just wanted to have a calm day in.

We didnt talk all day until about 3pm when I was on my way to the gym. She called me which I found a little odd because she didn't text me at all before that.

I didn't even stress when she didn't text me all day, I was starting to care less.

I answered in my car that was still parked in the driveway. "Hey Bey."

"Hey. I'm sorry because I know this is last minute but I'm not sure if I can come over anymore."

I took a good ten seconds just to roll my eyes. "Oh. Why not?" She only had so many times to stand me up before I stopped trying to see her outside of school.

"It's nothing bad, I'm just somewhere with my friend and I don't think he's leaving anytime soon."

"You could ask me to pick you up, you know." Like I don't already offer every time. "If you don't want to hang out, that's okay."

"No, it's not that. I promise I want to see you. I'm just like 40 minutes out and asking you to drive all that way would be insane, I wouldn't do that. If I get back in town and it's not that late I could come over."

"I literally don't mind at all. I was going to the gym anyway and that might be in the same direction, just send me the address." I would drive an hour if I had to.

She groaned. "Alright, but I'll give you gas money if you actually come."

I waited for her to send me the address and then typed it in my map to see where it was. It was pretty far but luckily, it was on the way. My gym was about halfway between us because I went to a fancier one further away.

"You don't have to give me gas money, I checked and it's on my way. Do you want me to get you after I go to the gym?" We were way past the point of giving gas money for rides, regardless of how far it was.

"Alright. Thats cool then, I need a couple hours though. I'm kinda in the middle of something right now."

"In the middle of what?" Now that I was thinking about it, why was she even that far away and who was she with?

"It's nothing, just let me know when you're done working out. I'll talk to you later, O, okay? Drive safe."

O?? I had a new nickname? I loved it.

I blushed and laughed a little at my new nickname. "Alright. You be safe too, I'll talk to you later." I waited until she said bye and then hung up.

I drove to the gym and worked out for a while. Knowing I was going to see Bey later may or may not have made me work a little harder in the gym.

I worked out for over an hour and then Bey texted me that I could come whenever I was ready.

Along with being fancy, my gym was extremely clean so I didn't mind freshening up there. With shower shoes of course.

I didn't have anything else to change into except for my emergency gym clothes which were shorts and basically a sports bra. It was truly a coincidence my most revealing gym clothes happened to be what I had to wear to go pick Bey up.

I left the gym after texting her that I was on the way and drove the 20 minutes to the address she sent me. It was a really nice suburban area with big houses.

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