Chapter 23

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"Why isn't she waking up?" Alice's soft voice pulled Cassiopeia from her sleep. She opened her eyes slowly, blinking a few times to focus her vision. A horrible tug at her stomach reminded her that they were leaving today.

"Finally!" Marlene groaned.

"Good morning to you too," Cassiopeia grumbled with a roll of her eyes as she sat up. 

"We've been trying to wake you up for ages," Lily's voice chimed in as she left the bathroom. Cassiopeia noticed that all three girls were already dressed.

"C'mon, breakfast's over, the train leaves in an hour." Cassiopeia's eyes widened at the information Alice had just dropped on her.

"I missed breakfast?"

"That's all you're worried about right now?"


"Don't worry, we brought you some food." Marlene nodded toward Cassiopeia's bedside table with a grin.

"What're you grinning about like that?" Cassiopeia raised an eyebrow at the blonde.

"Oh, Marls, stop being like that." The redhead rolled her eyes. Cassiopeia looked between them in confusion.

"Black was asking for you at breakfast,"

Cassiopeia felt butterflies in her stomach. Her cheeks heated up a bit as she remembered the night before. "So?"

"So," Marlene repeated with an eye roll. " So he- why are you blushing?"

"I'm not!"

"Did something happen between you two?" This seemed to catch Lily and Alice's attention as their heads whipped in her direction and Cassiopeia groaned while covering her face.

"I have to use the bathroom, get dressed, eat, and say goodbye to Remus and Peter, then we have to reach the train on time-"

"Fine." Marlene narrowed her eyes at her. "But I will find out, Caddel, so you better watch your back."

Cassiopeia went to the bathroom and got dressed. When she came out, Alice was the only one in the room.

"C'mon, grab your food, and lets go," Alice smiled at her.

"Alright, alright," Cassiopeia grinned at her. She took the two pieces of toast that were next to her bed, locked arms with Alice, and left the dorms.

Cassiopeia instantly spotted Remus and Peter in the common room. She walked over to them while Alice waited for her. "Remmy! Pete!"

The two boys' heads turned around in her direction and they both smiled. Remus stood up and hugged Cassiopeia and she hugged him back. "Write to me, yeah?"

"I'll try," Cassiopeia smiled. "James and Sirius left already?"

"Yeah, they just said goodbye a few minutes ago," Peter responded.

"I'll see you guys after Christmas then!" Cassiopeia grinned at the two boys.

"Bye, Cassie!" Remus waved with a smile.

Cassiopeia walked back to Alice with a grin and the two girls walked along with the many students until they reached Lily and Marlene.

"Oh look who's finally decided to show up!" Marlene threw her hands in the air dramatically to which they all responded with eye rolls.

"How do we get to the station exactly?" Alice asked.

"Let's just follow the other students," Cassiopeia suggested and the three girls nodded in agreement.  

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