-Chapter Thirty-Five- Immortals

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/they say we are what we are/ but we don't have to be/ i'm bad behavior/ but i do it in the best way/

-immortals, fall out boy

The Saporians didn't take note of Varian and Y/n as they pushed the cabin doors open, now fully armed.

Y/n's eyes adjusted to the light just in time to see Maisie and Juniper go flying across the ship, Rapunzel landing gracefully on the deck.

Her face twisted with concern, however, when she saw Andrew draw his sword and charge at Rapunzel.

Y/n reached for her belt, but Varian placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Let me." he whispered. "I want to get my revenge on the right people."

She grinned as he pulled an acidic compound from the belt, but looked up at Andrew a moment later, who was running for Rapunzel with a maniacal grin on his face.

"This is the last time you-"

Andrew was cut off as Varian threw the sphere in his grasp. Green smoke exploded on impact, and when it cleared, the blade of Andrew's sword was crumbling into glowing green dust.

"Breaking down the structural molecules?" Y/n commented, impressed. "Nice."

"Wha...?" Andrew wondered aloud, staring at the now-empty hilt in his hand.

Varian pulled another sphere out and spun it on his fingertip, walking to the Saporian with a smug grin.

"Not bad for an alchemist, eh?"

Andrew scowled, and Varian began to bounce the compound on the ground, letting out a laugh as he continued to approach. Y/n raised a hand and pinched the bridge of her nose- she could see where this was going.

And... yep.

Just as she predicted, the compound ricocheted off of the deck, flying upwards and hitting Varian in the chin. He yelped as it knocked him backwards, and chemicals became detached from where they had been fastened, bouncing off and rolling around the deck.

Y/n watched in dismay as one of the spheres hit Pascal on Rapunzel's shoulder, encasing the chameleon in a bubble that promptly began to bounce from where it had formed.

"Oh, my fault!" Varian cried. Another bubble popped into existence over Rapunzel's foot, lifting it into the air and turning her upside down. "Oh, that was on me!"

One chemical hit the amber spheres on Y/n's belt. It didn't activate, thank Demanitus, but one of the spheres came loose and fell to the deck, shattering on impact and covering the wood with glowing (f/c).

She winced. Only one left.

As Pascal's bubble rolled past her, Y/n ran after him, Varian following at her side. Before they could reach the reptile, however, they were confronted by a Saporian who had been noticeably absent- Clementine.

Varian and Y/n skidded to a stop before Clementine, alarm painted across both of their expressions as a sword was raised up to their throats.

"Stand down, alchemists." she commanded smugly, and Y/n couldn't help but feel like Clementine had been waiting for this since the day they had met.

"I'll take care of them."

Despite the danger, Y/n whirled around to see Andrew right behind them, looming threateningly over the two.

Before she could do anything, he had grabbed Varian by the collar of his shirt and swung him over the railing, holding him above the ground hundreds of feet below.

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