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The first time Mary had the Potions session with Severus after the March 1st incident was pure torture. She had promised Severus to maintain a professional demeanour during the lesson, and as much as it had hurt, Mary managed keep her promise. After the first lesson, Mary had seriously rethought her decision of continuing the lessons. Clary had tried to comfort her and had told her that it would get easier after a while.

Having spent couple of lessons with Severus, against all Mary's beliefs, it did indeed get easier. On March 22nd Mary no longer wanted to run out of the classroom, and on March 29th Mary had felt almost normal around Severus. She knew they would never again be the way they were before March 1st, but being able to talk and even joke with Severus like they used to do gave Mary hope for a better tomorrow.

It was now Thursday, April 4th, and Mary and Clary were sitting in the Great Hall having dinner. Because it was Easter Break, the four long tables were filled with empty chairs. During the Christmas Break, there were usually so few students, that they would use only one table, but now there were too many students to fit in one table. Somehow, the sight of four, half-empty tables, made Mary feel some strange sensation of sorrow.

"Can't believe it's already April", Clary mumbled as she was taking a bite of a large carrot, dipped in a mint sauce. Mary, who couldn't believe someone could eat such a combination, gagged, and turned her face away from Clary.

"Oh c'mon, no need to be that dramatic. It's not that bad", Clary snorted and rolled her eyes. Mary turned her eyes back to the blonde Slytherin and gave her an "are you serious?" look. Mary was about to respond to Clary, when Quill landed on the table, an envelope attached to its left leg.

"Quill!" Surprised Mary exclaimed. Her green eyes quickly spotted the envelope, and she removed it from Quill's leg.

"Who is it from?" Clary asked, trying to get a look at the envelope. Mary sighed with a smirk and shook her head. Even though Clary's ruthless curiosity did sometimes drive Mary nuts, most of the times she just found it really amusing.

Mary opened the envelope and unfolded the letter within the envelope, revealing familiar handwriting composed on a piece of parchment.

Hello Mary,

I'm writing to you about your private lesson on Friday, April 5th. As it is the Easter Break, there are no lessons before our session in the evening. What I'm wondering, is that would you be eligible to spend the day in the dungeons. I understand if you don't want to, so feel no pressure to answer agreeably.

If you decide to come, meet me at 10am in front of my classroom.

Sincerely yours,


Clary, who had managed to read the letter over Mary's shoulder, gasped and turned to look at the High Table.

"How dare he!" Clary hissed, looking at Professor Snape with a disapproving expression on her face. Mary, who had also turned her green eyes to the High Table, met Severus' gaze with a more confused than disapproving frown.

"Really?" Mary mouthed to Severus, who rolled his eyes and raised an eyebrow. Mary knew exactly what he was thinking.

No, I sent the letter as a joke. Of course, you imbecile! Why would I send a letter if I wasn't serious?

Mary gave him a small smile and nodded, signalling him that she had read the letter and will be by his classroom in the morning. The reaction Mary's nod caused was so subtle, that Mary wasn't even sure if it was real, or was it just her imagination playing tricks on her. Only for a quarter of a second, it had almost looked like there was a relieved look in Severus' eyes.

Sincerely yours I Severus Snape - A Harry Potter FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now