Chapter 5: News to Jinhyuk & Junwon's Internal Debate

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-Monday, July 3, 2023~12:04PM-

~Jinhyuk's POV~

I arrived at the food court inside of Pinky Entertainment and immediately saw my twin brother Minhyuk and my friend Bomi from Royal Colors. I scurried over in excitement.

"Minhyukie!" I exclaimed, most excited to see my brother who I am used to seeing but haven't seen in months.

"Woah." Minhyuk said as I wrapped my arms around him, him not expecting it. "Hello Jinhyuk."

"Aww, you guys are so cute." Bomi coo'ed.

"Why are you acting like this?" Minhyuk said, pushing me off.

"Because I miss you!" I shouted, playfully pouting. "Is that such a problem?"

"Yes." Minhyuk replied playfully, then sat down.

"Happy Birthday, Jinhyuk." Bomi said, reaching for a hug.

"Thanks noona." I said, hugging her back. "And thank you for coming, you were the only one that could make it."

"Yeah, thank you." Minhyuk chimed in, also thanking her as none of his invitations got accepted. "Especially with your debut this month. I'm sure you were probably busy."

"You're debuting?!" I exclaimed, this being news to me.

"Yes." Bomi snickered.

"Jinhyuk has been too busy with his new glamorous life to pay attention to other people." Minhyuk said jokingly.

"Hey, I just debuted, give me a break!" I replied.

"You're okay." Bomi snickered. "But yeah, RC's comeback is July 27th and most of us are debuting with a few members not."

"That's amazing!" I said. "Congratulations."

"Thanks." Bomi replied. "And congratulations to you too on your debut."

"Thanks." I grinned then looked at my brother. "Have you been placed anywhere, yet?"

Minhyuk shook his head.

"I'm sorry." I said, grabbing his hand that was on the table. "You'll get your chance to debut, I know it."

Minhyuk took a deep breath before replying. "Worst case scenario, if I don't, I think I have a good chance of being a producer here."

"OMO!" I exclaimed. "That would be amazing!"

"It really would be!" Bomi added. "You'd be an amazing producer."

"Thanks." My brother started to blush. "Should we go get some food?"

"Yes!" I replied. "I'm starving!"

They both laughed at my reaction and we stood up to get some food, each going our own ways to get our food from the different vendors. When I made my way back to the table, Minhyuk and Bomi were already there but standing at the table were two girls, one of which I recognized to belong to Royal Colors, the other I had never seen before. The girls looked like they were talking to Bomi so I sat down quietly, trying not to intrude on their conversation.

"Jinhyuk." Bomi got my attention as I arrived. "This is Crystal and Emma. They are from Royal Colors."

I recognized Crystal but not Emma.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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