The family reunion - Mina (G×G!P)

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Y/N immediately jumped into the pool, not even glancing at her relatives who were gathered in the big cottage, chatting and eating. The cool water was a welcome relief from the summer heat and the stifling small talk.

It was a scorching summer day, and Y/N had been reluctantly dragged by her parents to a family reunion. She didn't want to go but had no valid excuse to decline. The promise of a pool was the only silver lining in an otherwise dull affair.

After completing two laps, Y/N swam to the side of the pool, her breath coming in quick gasps. She rested her arms on the edge, savoring the cool water and the brief respite from the relentless sun.

"Hey, can you take me to the middle of the pool?" a child's voice suddenly asked, catching Y/N off guard. She looked up to see a young girl, one of her relatives, standing at the edge with a hopeful expression. The girl’s eyes sparkled with excitement and a hint of mischief.

"You might drown." Y/N replied, her concern evident as she met the girl's eager gaze. She glanced around, noting that the girl's parents were nowhere in sight. "Where are your mom and dad?"

"They're talking over there." the girl said, pointing vaguely towards the cottage. "Please? I really want to go there." she insisted, her voice tinged with a mix of determination and pleading.

Y/N sighed, contemplating the request. "Alright, but you have to promise to hold on tight and listen to everything I say, okay?"

The girl nodded enthusiastically, her face lighting up with a bright smile. "I promise!"

With a small smile, Y/N reached out to take the girl's hand, ready to guide her safely into the deeper water. "Alright, come on then. Hold on to my shoulders."

As they made their way to the middle of the pool, Y/N kept a careful eye on her young relative, making sure she was safe and enjoying herself. The girl's laughter echoed across the water, a sweet sound that momentarily made the family reunion seem less tedious.

"What's your name?" the girl inquired, her hands draped at each side of Y/N's neck as they savored the feeling of the cool water.

"Y/N. How about you?" Y/N replied, wiping her face with her left hand while her right hand held the girl securely.

"Yunna, and I'm going to be tall like you!" the child declared with a mischievous smile, making Y/N feel a bit uneasy. She didn't enjoy conversations like this, and most importantly, she didn't like close physical contact.

"Oh, really? Well, then you have to eat a lot of food." Y/N said, hiding her true feelings behind a polite smile.

Yunna giggled, splashing the water with her feet. "I will! I'll eat all my veggies and drink lots of milk!"

Y/N chuckled, feeling a bit more at ease with the girl's enthusiasm. "That's the spirit. Just make sure you listen to your parents too."

Yunna's eyes sparkled as she continued to hold onto Y/N. "Do you come to these reunions often?" she asked, curiosity evident in her voice.

"Not really." Y/N admitted, glancing towards the cottage where the adults were still engrossed in their conversations. "I'm usually busy with school and other things."

"Well, I'm glad you came this time." Yunna said sincerely. "It's more fun with you here."

Y/N felt a warmth spread through her, despite her initial reluctance. "Thanks, Yunna. I'm glad I came too."

There was a brief silence as they floated, enjoying the moment.

"Can I be your wife when I get older?" Yunna inquired, her eyes meeting Y/N's with an earnest expression.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 18 ⏰

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