Chapter 43: Darkside

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Angel began his walk to the forest of wolves. It wasn't much farther till he was once again by Raven's side. This time, he didn't have to leave it. At long last he could be with Raven. He didn't have to return to Blaire or focus on his role as Future King. All of that was now behind him.

However, he stopped in the middle of the forest. Now that he was out in the open and everyone knows of his relationship with Raven. There was nothing stopping him from visiting a certain werewolf who was well overdue for an ass whooping. The Nightshade campsite wasn't that far from their secret cave. It would only be a slight detour. No, he couldn't. Raven told him she'd handle it. If he jumped in and got involved it's only-

Angel could see images of that bastard bending Raven over his bed and forcing himself on her. His girlfriend being defiled by that good for nothing Prince. His Raven used to feed his lust. The mere thought of him having sex with Raven infuriated him to no end. He couldn't just walk away and let Lycan get away with treating Raven like an object.

Angel had the opportunity to do something about it and. He stood over a hill overlooking the Nightshade campsite. He was going to. Raven will just have to forgive him for this later. It's time he put Lycan in his place. His eyes wandered to the nearby stream. The Nightshade Beta, Alejandro was alone bathing in the stream. He was resting peacefully.

There was no sign of the other pack members. But Angel couldn't just swoop in and attack Lycan. Fighting Lycan alone he could manage but if he had any help from the other pack members. He would not walk out of that fight alive.

Angel had to make sure the other pack members weren't around. If he was lucky Alejandro would sleep through the whole thing. He crouched down, remaining in the bushes as he approached the Nightshade campsite. There wasn't anyone outside of the tents all that was there was a piece of paper. The wind blew the paper with the current causing the paper to fly past Angel. He caught the paper and read it.

Dear Alejandro,

During the incident with those vampires. It has come to my attention that your sons. Jay and Jayson have both awakened their spiritual energy. Now reaching as I like to call werewolf maturity. So I have taken your boys to the elemental guard campsite to train them in the art of spirit. I will be coming to collect them daily for training for a few hours each day. I understand they have duties to fulfill for Nightshade as well and feel this is a fair compromise. It occurs to me that this is the first time since you raised those boys that you've had time to yourself. So as your father figure I suggest you enjoy it . As a father myself, I can tell you these days do not come often. Take care and get some rest. You've earned it.



Ps. I stole my daughter for training too. Which I told Lycan I'd do even if she's in his pack. If he has a problem with it just pick up a pebble he'll know what it means.

"Wait a second," Angel raised his brow. Raven's in the secret cave with Claire. Jay, Jayson and Alexis were all with the elemental guard right now. Which means, Lycan and Alejandro are the only two people in Nightshade right now. With Alejandro sleeping, this is just too good of an opportunity for him to pass up. "Okay Lycan," Angel punched his palm. "It's time you and I had a little one on one time." He opened the front door to Lycan's cabin and took a quiet step inside. He gently pushed the door to a mere crack. Being careful not to make any noise. He could hear the shower water running. The noise combined with the shampoo made this the perfect setup for an ambush.

Thanks to the running water, Lycan couldn't hear him. The body wash and shampoo made it so he couldn't smell Angel's scent. The perks to being a werewolf enhanced senses. The downside, the closer the scent is. The harder it is to focus on other scents. Angel snuck up to the bathroom door and pressed his back against it. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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