-Chapter Thirty-Four- The Moon Will Sing

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/the moon will sing a song for me/ i loved you like the sun/ bore the shadows that you made/ with no light of my own/

-the moon will sing, the crane wives

Varian and Y/n sat on one of the cell's benches, both of them staring regretfully at the stone floor.

Y/n leaned against Varian, who was curled into a ball with his bandana pulled up over his face. She couldn't bear to look at Rapunzel, who was uselessly trying to pull against the iron bars.

Beside her, Y/n felt Varian take in a breath, getting ready to say something.

"All I ever wanted was for my father to be proud."

He sighed. "Of course, if he were free from the amber now, and saw everything I've done..."

Varian let out an exhale and wrapped his arms around his knees. "Well, he'd be ashamed."

Rapunzel didn't say anything, and Y/n had a sudden urge to try and explain her own actions.

"I just wanted someone to care." she spoke, her voice barely a whisper. "I tried so hard, but they always picked you over me."

Y/n took a deep breath. "I just wanted someone to care that I existed. I wish it could have been you, but you just... ignored me. Took everything and left me in the dust."

She looked towards the window. "When you hurt him, I thought that I'd make things right. I just wanted to mean something. I didn't want to be forgotten."

The cell was silent for a moment, and Y/n heard Rapunzel's footsteps as she turned to face them.

"You know," her sister began softly, "standing up to Andrew just now was... pretty brave. Something a hero would do."

Rapunzel sighed, and Y/n heard her sit down on the other bench. "Look,"

"I know how much it hurts to have someone you trust let you down. To think you have it all, and to lose it just like that."

Y/n paused. She'd thought Rapunzel's life had been perfect. That she'd never had to go through anything like Y/n had.

What exactly happened while she was gone?

"I mean," her sister continued, "after you go through something like that... how can you ever trust anyone again?"

"I don't know." Y/n whispered.

She felt Varian straighten up beside her. "Tha- that's why I thought maybe if I could make you forget everything that happened, you know, we could be... friends again. Learn to trust again."

Y/n sighed and leaned back. "But I guess life doesn't really work that way. And I guess... I still can't say that I like you, but maybe it wasn't all your fault."

She looked up at her sister. Rapunzel gave her a reassuring smile, and Y/n felt a small smile grow on her face, despite everything.

Y/n still didn't feel love for Rapunzel. Maybe she never would. Maybe that wound couldn't be healed.

But... maybe, just maybe, she might hate her a little bit less.

Just as she opened her mouth to speak, a voice came from the door.

"Okay, this is very sweet, but honestly, I'm offended."

Y/n snapped her head up. Eugene.

The man held a bronze lockpick in his hand, and Lance leaned on the bars next to him, Maximus on his right.

"I can't believe you were going to break into something and you didn't even ask me!"

He turned around and slipped his pick into the lock, spinning it around expertly. "It's kinda my thing."

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