🧁 If You Give A Troll A Cupcake 🧁

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(This is A Troll-Version Of The Book If "You Give A Mouse A Cookie" it takes place back when Veneer was A 10 year old boy in the Mt Rageous Suburbs. Where he meets A Troll for the first time.)

Veneer Was hiding from his sister in the Backyard, Their parents had just made A Batch of Cupcakes before they left for work.

Velvet DEMANDED That She should have ALL Of Them. Poor Veneer managed to sneak A Cupcake without his sister knowing, and he was hiding in some bushes so he could eat it in secret.

Kid Veneer: *Phew* 😮‍💨🧁 I Don't Think She Saw Me.

Kid Veneer: Finally I Can Eat A Cupcake!

But right before the Spaghetti-Like Boy Could Eat The Delicious Sweet, He Noticed A Small, Strange Creature Walk up to him. It was Orange With Big, Dark Blue Hair, A Pink Nose and green eyes. He was wearing Green overalls that were Made of Felt. He was around the same age as Veneer.

The Small Creature: Hello! 👋😄

Kid Veneer: *Gasp!* Are you A Troll?! 😧

The Small Creature: Yep!

Kid Veneer: Wow! I've never seen A Troll Before! Is it true that you're Good Luck? 🤩

The Trolling: I... Guess So?

Kid Veneer: Wow! A Troll in My Backyard! 🤩

The Trolling: *Stomach Growls*

The Trolling: Oooo.... I'm so hungry.... 😣

Veneer REALLY Wanted to Eat His Cupcake... But This Little Troll Clearly Needed It more... Veneer's Parents Always Told Him That Trolls Are Very Special creatures And Must Be Protected. So He Gave the Cupcake To The young Trolling.

Kid Veneer: Here's you Go. Eat This. 🧁

The Trolling: Oh! Thank You! Thank You! 🤩

Veneer Sat The Small Cupcake on the ground, And The Little Troll Instantly Began Diving into the Cupcake. He was Definitely Hungry.

The Trolling: Mmmmm! 😋

Veneer: I'm Glad You Like It. I'm Going To Go Home Now. You should go back to your parents too. Bye. 👋😄

The Trolling: *Fallows Him* Wait!

Kid Veneer: Huh?

The Trolling: I'm Thirsty After Eating That Cupcake. May I Please Have Chocolate Milk? 😄

Kid Veneer: Sure! I don't see why not.

Veneer Laid His Palm on the Ground and Let His New Friend walk onto his hand. He then carried him to the kitchen where he poured him A Small Glass of Chocolate Milk. 🥛

Kid Veneer: Here You Go!

The Little Troll Tried Standing On The Edge of the Glass to Drink The Milk But He Almost Fell In.

The Trolling: Woah! 🫨

Kid Veneer: *Catches Him* 😨

The Trolling: That Was Close! I'm Gonna Need A Straw!

Kid Veneer: *Gives Him A Straw* I Hope I Didn't Pour You Too Much, Its A Lot Of Mil- 😄

The Trolling: *Drinks Up All The Milk In Less Than A Second*

Kid Veneer: 0_0

The Trolling: That Was Good, Thank You. 😋

Kid Veneer: Your Welcome.

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