18 - Favorite Type of Music

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Ponyboy - Anything nice, calm, tells a story. He would also never play it loud because he is respectful😊

Sodapop - I said it before and I'll say it again: This man would LOVE Lana Del Rey. So anything similar to Lana. Take that as you will.

Darry - I hate to admit it, but he doesn't listen to music. When he does, it pretty vintage or like beginning of Elvis and earlier.

Dallas - Literal screaming💀 He would also blast it absolutely EVERYWHERE. If he lived now, he'd be that person with his music BLASTING out of his earbuds and everyone is like, Turn it down," and he's like, "okay," then will either turn it down that theirs' barely a difference or he'll just turn it down and turn it back up (Sorry that was a lot😭)

Johnny - Pretty much like Ponyboy. Anything sweet because he's sweet. But I also feel like when he would drive with Dally and Dally would be playing his music, Johnny would act like he likes it and knows the lyrics😭❤️

Two-Bit - Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on repeat.

Steve - Rock because they are the same vibe as his car, or car sounds. Him and his cars man...🙂

Note: I'm so sorry I haven't been posting in a while😭 I'm seriously running out of ideas but I really want to update everything. I'm trying my hardest and I'm writing like 30 other things at once💀

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