Chapter 23

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Tomioka's POV:

It was the day after the storm, and although it wasn't nearly as bad as yesterday, the snow hadn't completely stopped. I was careful with each of my steps as my feet landed in the snow with a crunch. I had seen some kids slip on the ice and was afraid to meet the same fate. I had my koto in my hands, and if it broke with a fall, it'd be devastating since the festival is two weeks from now.

Earlier today, I had sent a letter by crow to Y/N. I had told her that Sabito's condition had worsened, and he would prefer it if she didn't get sick either. So, we ended up changing it to her house. In the meantime, Sabito would rest.

I've only ever been inside her home once, and it was only for a brief period of time. I was nervous to say the least but relieved that my emotions never showed through my face or body language. In Sabito's words: Once someone got to know me, they can notice even the slightest change in my expression. The only thing I could do now is hope that Y/n wasn't that perceptive.

I held my breath once I opened her gate, afraid that my breathing would give me away. It was so silly, I had only ever felt nervous around demons, and even now, it was a different kind of nervousness. I let the air in my lungs out as soon as I knocked on her door.

A few moments passed when she finally slid it open. The warm air from her home rushed past me and took her scent with it. It was a subtle floral scent, with the mix of something sweet.

"Oh, hello Giyuu. Come on in," she stepped aside as I strode in.

"Hello, Y/n, what a lovely home you have," I hated small talk because I was so bad at it. When Y/n first came to visit, it surprised me how much she could talk about without letting the conversation die. At the beginning, I couldn't stand it. I didn't talk as much as I should have so she would stop but then she would take that as a sign to continue her endless chatter. Now, I find comfort in it, it reminds me that someone actually wants to be around me, and that they care about what I have to say.

We started to walk to the kitchen, and I took it all in. I held back a small smile when I saw her baby painting on full display. It reflected a lot of how she is now. She spoke, pulling me away from my thoughts, "Not nearly as good as yours. I wonder how you managed to pay for something like that on your own. Tea?" She had it prepared already as if she knew I was going to accept.

"That would be nice thank you. And as for the house, being a demon slayer had its perks. Though, I didn't do it for long, since Sabito needed a lot of care." While I was off doing missions, Urokodaki would take care of Sabito. I couldn't be any more thankful for that. Then one day, Urokodaki came home with a red hair boy carrying a demon. He had the determination to be a demon slayer, but in the physical part, he was average.

We didn't want to take up too much space, with a new student and all, so only a few weeks after his arrival, we left. He was kind-hearted and as time passed, he became a fine swordsman, though he still had much to learn. But I know that Tanjiro and his sister will both make a difference in this cruel world. He had shown this when he became a Hashira. But it wasn't my story to tell, that would be Tanjiro's job when he came, if he came.

We finished our drinks in silence until I broke it, which is unusual for me, "So, they baby painting?"

She groaned and covered her face with her hands, "Don't even mention it. I always complain about it being up and then forget to take it down when guests come over."

"Anyone would tell that it's missing. It's quite large."

All she did was glare at me, and I tried to fight back a smile. I've been doing that a lot recently, and I think the girl in front of me had something to do with it.

It Started at the Temple {Akaza x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now