LAW Weekly TV Episode 5 Main Event

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Samantha: The following contest is a singles match, and is for the LAW World Heavyweight Championship!

Samantha: Introducing the challenger, "The Human Lightning" Colt Jacobs!

Samantha: Introducing the champion, accompanied to the ring by Nathan Orton, Ace Sniper, and Rosemary, the Undisputed WWE Universal and LAW World Heavyweight Champion, "The All Star" Cody Johnson!

Cody gets in the ring and gets in Colts face when the bell rings, and is heard yelling

Cody: Lay down! Lay down you bitch!

Colt looks pissed off but doesn't lay down, but actually kicks Cody in the gut and hits a 

Colt looks pissed off but doesn't lay down, but actually kicks Cody in the gut and hits a 

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Death Rider DDT

But doesn't cover him, instead goes to ring side and knocks down Nathan & Ace, and grabs a chair, and hits Cody with it over and over again, getting disqualified, as LAW goes off the air

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