LAW Weekly TV Episode

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Corey: Welcome everybody to LAW Weekly TV. I'm Corey Graves joined by Pat McAfee and Michael Cole, and our card is stacked tonight.

Pat: That's right Corey! Tonight, we hear from our inaugural LAW Women's Champion, Ruth Holmes. And lets not forget, our inaugural LAW World Tag Team Champions, Nathan Orton and Ace Sniper, but also "The Human Lightning" Colt Jacobs, but also our inaugural LAW World Heavyweight Champion, "The All Star" Cody Johnson.

Cole: And now, lets get ready for our opening match

Samantha: Introducing first, "Big" Bronson Reed!

Samantha: Introducing second, Tyler Knox!

Tyler Knox pinned Bronson Reed

(Commercial Break)

Samantha: Introducing, the LAW Women's Champion, Ruth Holmes!

Ruth walks into the ring, and grabs a mic

Ruth: What's up Seattle! *The crowd cheers* Now, let's get down to business, three days ago, at Prison Break, I won this beautiful championship, so, the first thing I will do, and Cody, I hope you're taking notes, I will hold an open challenge! So come on! Let's see who comes out.

The crowd waits for a few minutes...

Samantha: Introducing, Thea Hail!

Thea comes out with the rest of Chase U, and gets in the ring, when

It's Saraya, and she comes out with Ruby Soho & Harley Cameron, and so let the match begin

Ruth Holmes pins Saraya to retain the LAW Women's Championship

(Commercial Break)

Samantha: Introducing, the LAW World Tag Team Champions, Nathan Orton & Ace Sniper, The Devil's Ammunition!

Samantha: Introducing, "The Human Lightning" Colt Jacobs!

Samantha: Introducing "The All Star", he is the LAW and Undisputed WWE Universal Champion, Cody Johnson!

(They all get in the ring)

Cody: Oh, quit your booing you spineless dicks. Now, let's get straight the point, at Prison Break, after I WON THE WORLD TITLE! That little bitch baby Jay decided to attack me from behind, and it's obvious he wants a shot, but I don't defend against people with paper bones, now, I'll give you a shot, if you beat my man Colt at Overdrive, but if you don't, well, you'll get your ass kicked.

It's Max Caster & Anthony Bowens, the current number one contenders for the LAW World Tag Team Championship, run down to the ring and attack Nathan and Ace, but are quickly overwhelmed, when

Its CM Punk! And he's not alone! Its the current Ring of Honor World Champion, Mark Briscoe! And they run into the ring and even the playing field, as LAW Weekly goes off the air

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