Qualifying Matches

24 0 0

Samantha Irvin: Introducing first, Brrrrrrron Brrrrrreakker

Samantha: Introducing second, "Main Event" Jey Uuuuuuuuuso!


Jey is signaling for a Spear, and runs at Bron, when Bron dodges, and Jey spears the ref, and Jey tries to wake ref up, when a hooded person locks in a familiar submission on Jey

Jey is signaling for a Spear, and runs at Bron, when Bron dodges, and Jey spears the ref, and Jey tries to wake ref up, when a hooded person locks in a familiar submission on Jey

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And passes out, and the person lifts up their hood

And passes out, and the person lifts up their hood

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Its Chris Masters!

Chris quickly exits, then Bron pins Jey


Samantha here is your winner! Bron Breakker!

(Commercial break sponsored by Guacamole Gamer Fart [If you get that I love you])

Samantha: Introducing First, "The Salt of the Earth" M! J! F!


MJF defeated Jon Moxley by pinfall (w/ a distraction by someone in a devil mask)

(Other Results)

Josh Briggs defeated Brooks Jensen by pinfall

Devil's Ammunition defeated FTR by count out

Final Testament defeated The Hurt Business by pinfall

Ruth Holmes defeated Saraya by submission

Roxanne Perez defeated Mia Yim by pinfall

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