Chapter 4: The Road to Moonfall City

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Kristina and Timothy were now walking along Route 1, the sun was beaming down upon the grass, casting a warm glow over the lush landscape. The tall grass swayed gently from the soft breeze of the flowing wind, and in the distance was a beautiful river adding to the serene beauty of the surroundings. Timothy couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement as he and Kristina embarked on their journey together.

The air was alive with the gentle sound of the bug pokemon and the slight flying type of pokemon soaring through the sky. It was a beautiful symphony of nature's harmony making this day a wonderful day to begin a pokemon journey.

"So Kristina, how are you feeling about this Pokemon journey?" Timothy asked, glancing over at his best friend.

"I feel great Timbo, especially for my first Pokemon contest," Kristina replied.

"That right you're aiming to be the best Pokemon Coordinator," Timothy stated."So do you know where your first Pokemon contest is?" He asked.

"Let's see," Kristina said, taking out a pink tablet and going to the contest site."The first contest is actually in Moonfall City," She said.

"Your parents got you the latest Poketablet as well. I got a blue one for my birthday," Timothy said."So Moonfall City which is located before Dawn Town where my first gym battle is," He stated.

"Yeah my mother brought it for me last night, but yeah it seems my contest is up first," Kristina replied.

"Sounds like a plan to me," Timothy said, having no problem with Kristina's contest being up first.


After a few hours of walking Timothy and Kristina decide to take a nice break near the river to have a lunch break.

"Come on out," Timothy and Kristina said as they both sent out their starter pokemon.

"Pichu!" Mina cried happily as she jumped onto his lap and watched him preparing a bowl of Pokemon food.


"Alright eat up Mina," Timothy said, putting the bowl in front of Mina, before he took out some bread and made himself some sandwiches for lunch.

"You eat up as well, Fruibat," Kristina said.

As they were eating their lunch in peace a splashing sound was heard, causing the duo and their two pokemon to turn to see a small fox-like pokemon with a blue pelt with a white underbelly. It has light blue eyes, large pointed ears, and a triangular black nose. On top of its head are three curled locks of white fur with bangs, and a dark blue tail with curled back tips.

"What Pokemon is that?" Kristina asked.

"Let's see," Timothy said, pulling out his Pokedex.

[ Amoxan Vulpix, the Fox Pokemon. A normal and water type. This pokemon is native to the Kanto Region however a small group of vulpix were found lost at sea. For survival, they adapted to the water becoming a normal and water type. They are often seen playing in rivers but are known to hide in fear of lightning storms. However, they are quite easy to befriend.]

"So it's a regional form of Vulpix," Kristina said.

"Mina let's catch it this Pokemon will be our next new member bringing me closer to achieving my dream," Timothy said standing up after eating the last of his sandwiches.

"Pichu!" Mina cried out getting in a battle-ready stance.

"Alright good luck," Kristina said.

"Mina start this off with Tackle!" Timothy commanded.

"Pic!" Mina cried out running towards the Amoxan Vulpix and sending it flying out of the river and onto the grass.

"Vulpix!" The vulpix cried out shaking off the effects of the tackle, before it fired bubbles from its mouth directly at Pichu.

"Mina dodge and then use Thundershock!" Timothy ordered.

"Pichu!" Mina cried out as she fired electricity from her cheeks shocking Vulpix and making herself slightly dizzy.

"Vulpix!" Vulpix cried out in pain falling to the ground.

"Mina you can do it don't let your weakness of being a Pichu stop you from being able to handle your electric moves," Timothy said.

Mina regained her balance and shook off the effects of being dizzy from using Thundershock. While the Amoxan Vulpix slowly attempted to get on up from the pain of the Thunder Shock attack.

"You can do this Mina!" Kristina cheered.

"Now to finish this with Double Slap!" Timothy commanded.

"Pichu!" Mina cried out as she ran forward and slapped Vulpix over and over with her tiny paws.

"Vul!" Vulpix cried out in pain before she passed out from the damage received from Mina's attacks.

"Now Pokeball go!" Timothy said throwing a Pokeball at the knocked-out Vulpix.

The Pokeball connected with Vulpix as the red beam suck it inside of the Pokeball, and shook three times until it clicked signaling that Vulpix was successfully captured.

"Excellent job Min we got an new member of the team," Timothy said happily running over and picking up the Pokeball.

"Awesome job Timbo," Kristina said running over and high-fiving her best friend.

"Thanks i'm sure you catch your first pokemon soon as well," Timothy said."Mina, you were great out there," He said picking up his number one partner.

"Yeah you're right guess we should clean up and get ready to go," Kristina said returning her Fruibat and cleaning up the dishes used for lunch.

"Yeah sounds like a plan let's continue the road to Moonfall City," Timothy said with a smile on his face.

To be continued...

So here we have chapter four of The Challenges of Becoming a Normal Type Master. Timothy, along with Kristina travel through Route 1 where Timothy captures his first pokemon in Amxan Vulpix. Now they continue the road to Moonfall City where Kristina's contest awaits her before Timothy's first gym battle. I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Thanks for reading!

Question of the chapter: Should I make a story of Timothy's journey in Kanto part of this despite using him as a mentor for Ash in the story where he a normal type  pokemon trainer, but the journey for Timothy is different in this series where Ash is a new rookie rival he meets? (I currently have an book plan for Jhoto and Hoenn but only one of them has an cover made)

Word count: 992

[1] The Challenges of Becoming a Normal Type Master | Amoxa Region SagaWhere stories live. Discover now