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Uma watched proudly as Regan, Kalevala, and Deidre practised their talents.

At random intervals, she would quiz them on their backstories or call out a name to see who would respond.

"Dot." She called.

Dot turned around, the red-and-black bees hovering behind her.

Uma rolled her eyes. "Fail."

A few minutes later, as Hester summoned a glowing green liquid from her fingertips, Uma tapped her foot.


Hester turned around with a look of disdain on her face, the green liquid evaporating.

"What?" She asked.

"How old are you again?"

"Thirteen, dumbass. Same as every single other first year student." She rolled her eyes.

"You're quite skilled for a thirteen-year-old."

"What's the matter, Princess? Feeling threatened?" Hester sneered.

Uma nodded appreciatively. Later again...


"Yeah?" The newly-blonde Nevergirl turned to Uma.

"Are you in a coven at the moment? You seem very witchy."

"Well, Kalavela and I were going to start a coven, but we need a third person."

"So you already know her quite well then?"

"Duh." Anadil rolled her eyes. "We both come from Netherwood, dimwit."

"I see." Uma smiled. "But you've never met Deidre before?"

"Who?" Anadil asked scornfully. "Oh, you mean the bee girl? Why the fuck would I know her?"

"Just wondering." Uma smiled again, satisfied. "Now, all three of you imagine you're entering the school for the first time and are seeing the other students."

She pointed a finger at the field they were in, and slowly, an apparition unfolded of the School for Evil entrance hall.

Dot's eyes widened, and Hester and Anadil did their best to remain unimpressed.

"Fun spell, isn't it?" Uma chuckled.

She made a swooping motion with her hand, and spectral teenagers appeared, all dressed in variations of the black uniform the coven had donned.

The three witches were enveloped in the vision, almost as if they had put on VR goggles and were playing a School for Evil game.

"Now, remember to stay in character!" Uma reminded them, then disappeared from view.

Hester and Anadil stood side by side, whilst Dot moved farther away from them.

"It's so big." Dot breathed.

"Kala," Anadil chuckled, gesturing to Dot as if she was just noticing her. "Overwhelmed wannabe, two o'clock."

Hester looked where Anadil was pointing and sniggered.

"It's so big." She mimicked.

Dot threw them a glare.

"Pardon me for perceiving size." Dot rolled her eyes.

"Don't think we will, actually." Hester monotoned.

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