Chapter 21

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"When are your friends supposed to get here?" Gemini whined.
They had been waiting for quite a while now and he was growing impatient.
"Be patient, Gem. You know how important they are to me." Virgo scolded. She looked at the cushion cut diamond resting on her ring finger and thought back of her soon-to-be husband's proposal.

Three weeks earlier...

They were walking in the palace garden. It was spring. The snow had melted and the flowers started to bloom. Both her and Gemini have been seeing each other for the past few months and they had made their outings in the garden a habit.
As they walked, Gemini decided to ask her a question. "Virgo, do you think I should ask your father for proper permission to date you."
She thought a little bit, visibly startled by his sudden inquiry. "Well, I'm not very closed with him..."
"Still, maybe I should do it out of respect." He insisted. He wanted to be a true gentleman and make sure to do things the right way.
Virgo knew how pushy he could be and she also knew she would have to tell him something. She came to a quick conclusion that right now was the right moment. "About that... I'm supposed to be dead. Both my father and my brother sent an assassin to get rid of me, remember?"
Realizing his mistake, Gemini stayed quiet during the rest of their walk.
This bothered Virgo who was used to his talkative behavior. "Please say something." She told him. "It's weird for you to be quiet."
"Oh, sorry. I was just thinking."
Virgo raised an eyebrow and continued walking. She didn't realized until later that Gemini was no longer walking next to her.
It took her a minute to notice his absence. She quickly turned around and there he was, on one knee holding a diamond ring.
"Will you marry me?"
"I know it's soon and it's definitely not the first time I've done this." He said alluding to his love confession on the carriage. "But I've been thinking, you are still part of the Pervazian royal family, but if you marry me, legally, your kins won't be able to harm you. Plus, we both love each other, so that's a bonus. So what'd you say?"
Virgo gave him a simple and said the one word he wanted to hear. "Yes."

And there they were now. Waiting for Virgo's friends to attend the wedding.
The ceremony was put together quite quickly and effectively, after all, Gemini was a prince. He could have it done in a snap of a finger.
Suddenly, they heard the gallops of the horses coming their way.
Virgo recognized Scorpio's voice.
They stopped when they saw the couple and quickly got off their mount.
"You must be Scorpio and Aries." Gemini greeted them kindly. He then turned to an unknown woman. "And you must be...? Adriana?"
"Hi Adriana. I don't think we've met. I'm Virgo."
"Wait a second." The woman exclaimed. "My name is NOT Adriana. It's Pisces."
"Really?" Gemini asked. "You look more like an Adriana."
Pisces was pissed. "My name is Pisces! P-I-S-C-E-S!"
"It's alright Adriana." Virgo intervened. She had just spoken to her friends who quickly explained Pisces' situation to her. "Scorpio and Aries just told me about your situation. I hope you will share the details with my fiancé over here."
Pisces gave up. The couple seemed dead set on calling her Adriana. Arguing with them was hopeless.
"So, shall we return to the capital." Gemini exclaimed.
They mounted their horses and rode all the way to the royal palace which wasn't too far from the border.
It was almost lunchtime when they finally reached their destination.
When they arrived, Gemini quickly left as he had important matters to attend. As he left, Virgo took charge of showing the guests their rooms.
She first started with Pisces who looked desperate to get away from them.
Aries and Scorpio didn't really cared and ran directly to Virgo's room to explore.
"Damn! Mister fancy prince is definitely spoiling you with this bed!" Scorpio exclaimed as she jumped on the comfortable mattress.
"Anyways. Virgo, aren't you going to explain to us why the hell you're getting married?!" Aries asked-shouted kind of way.
"Well... You know how I'm supposed to be dead. We'll this is the solution we came up with." Virgo explained.
"You can't just marry the first guy who proposes to you!" Aries scolded.
"He's a nice guy!" She shouted back. "Plus, I really like him." She added.

"Fine, I'll let it go." He groaned.
"Well. I've got wedding preparations to attend to so I'll have to go. I would also like it if you didn't eat on my bed Scorpio." She pointed out the assassin who was currently eating crackers on her bed.
Virgo left the two Pervazians by themselves.


Leo was outside the palace door. He had just received news of his friend's engagement and rushed there in order to get more information.
The guards had refused to let him in so he was forced to wait for Gemini behind the gate.
He suddenly heard his name called out.
Gemini ordered the knights to let his friend through right away and they did as they were told.
Just as the gates opened, Gemini was grabbed by the collar of his shirt.
The guards were quick to react, but was stopped by a signal of the prince's which told them lay low.
"Gemini! How could you not tell me you're getting married! I'm you best friend!"
"I'm sorry Leo! I simply... forgot?"
"Well I need to meet this bride of yours." He released Gemini from his gripped and towards the castle without skipping a beat.

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