Chapter 20

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  Pisces has been observing the meeting quietly. She was taking note of the situation in her brain. She knew she had to warn someone of the situation, but who?
  No one in Pervaz would be on her side so her only option was to find help from another kingdom, but that was easier said than done. Versailles has always been hostile toward Pervazian ever since the coup d'état couple of years ago. She could try the Gladians, but even they were wary of her people.
  The meeting was long and detailed.   She could only assume it was soon.   The prince was currently noting down locations points for their attacks while another member was checking the inventory.
  It was strange he never told her before, after all, she was his aide. She needed to gather as much intel on the situation as possible.
"Lady Pisces? You seem distracted. I've been telling you that we're leaving quite a while ago."
  Prince Ophiuchus! His voice quickly pulled her out of her thoughts.
"Oh yes, your highness. Excuse me for my behavior."
"Don't let it happen again." He told her firmly before walking towards the door. Just before getting out he turned around to give her one last order. "Also, could you stop at my tailor to drop this check. I just remembered I haven't paid yet the bill."
  Pisces nodded in response and grabbed the check he handed her.
  Then, they left in different carriages as the Prince returned to the castle and she had to complete her errands.
  What a drag indeed.


  At the clothing shop, Scorpio and Aries were pacing around the room.
  They had just received a wedding invitation from Virgo and were visibly shocked.
"Why is she getting married already?!" Aries exclaimed in disbelief.
"I agree!" Scorpio shouted back. "She's known the guy for what, 3 months, maybe 4."
"You're right!" He agreed. "It's absolute blasphemy."
  His vocabulary made Scorpio paused for a second. "Blasphe-what? Speak English please mister fancy pants."
"Sorry, word I picked up from Prince Ophiuchus' aide. She's like a walking dictionary sometimes with those words she uses."
"Excuse me? Were you speaking about me?"
  This made Scorpio and Aries jump.  Pisces had just walked through the door and had taken them by surprise.
  Aries tried to apologize, but his stuttering made it impossible for her to understand.
"Please stop talking. " Pisces ordered him. "You're giving me a headache."   She went up to the counter and posed the prince's check there. "I've only come to depose the payment. Also-"
  She was cut off by her own curiosity when she saw the wedding invitation.
  Scorpio tried to grab the card before Pisces could see it, but the baron's daughter was faster. In one quick swipe, she grabbed the card and read it.
We invite you to celebrate the union of

Prince Gemini
Princess Virgo

"Well, isn't this surprising." She said maliciously. "I remember his royal highness paying you quite handsomely to dispose of her."
  Scorpio froze. "I can explain."
"No you can't!" Aries exclaimed.
"Shut up!" She "shouted" whispered. "Don't expose me like that."
"Don't worry, I won't report you." Pisces reassured them. This made the two friends raise an eyebrow.
"On one condition." She added. "You're probably planning on escaping to Gladia to attend the wedding, right?"
"Yes." They both answered simultaneously.
"Well, take me with you."
  This was the opportunity Pisces had been looking for. She had long thought the past few hours on how to inform the Gladians of Prince Ophiuchus' plan and there was her chance.
"Wait, really?" Scorpio asked surprised. She sure wasn't expecting this.
"Yes. So, when are we leaving."
"Well, tonight." Aries informed her. "The prince should be waiting for us at the border with Virgo."
"Great!" Pisces clapped her hands in accord. "The sooner the better. And how are we getting there?"
"We are going to ride horses sent by that prince to the northern border, which, according to the letter that accompanied the invitation, is the least protected area of the country. It should take an all-nighter in order to get there. But since we're fugitives, we don't have much choice." Aries explained.
  While Scorpio listened to their conversation, she grew slowly suspicious of Pisces. It was strange that the Prince's aide was trying to escape the country.
"Why are you trying to escape." She straight up confronted the noblewoman.
  Pisces took a deep breath and explained her situation. From the war the kingdom will soon start and how she needed to warn others of his plan.
  This render the two commoners quiet. Never would they expect the prince to have such a plan. It was terrifying how one can talk about bloodshed so easily. Even Scorpio, who was an assassin, was taken aback.
"So, I need to inform others of his plan, or else, a lot of people are going to lose their lives."
"Fine." Scorpio simply said. "Meet us at the edge of the forest north to the capital  when the sun will set, understood. If you're late, we're leaving without you."
  Pisces nodded in agreement and took her leave.


  Scorpio and Aries were standing at the edge of the forest like they had planned. They had finished packing their necessities like snacks and change of clothes. The sun was going to set in around a couple of seconds and there were still no trace of Pisces.
  Just as they were about to mount their horses, they heard footsteps running behind them.
"I'm here!" Pisces screamed while struggling to catch her breath. She had ran from the palace to the destination and was very exhausted.
"Good. Now hop on. We have no time to lose. Unless you want to get caught." Scorpio told her.
"Of course not." She answered back before effortlessly mounting her horse. "Let's go shall we."

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