Save Me

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"Her voice. Please don't let me forget her voice.", dried out tears; swollen eyes; and intrusive thoughts were disrupted by a figure that called her from behind. She looked behind to find out it was...


Back at present, The night in Little Valeria was a silent witness, its velvety darkness wrapping around Mon as she meandered through the cobblestone streets. The quaint lampposts cast a soft glow, creating a labyrinth of light and shadow. The scent of rain lingered, a bittersweet reminder of the storm that had passed—both the one in the sky and the one in her heart.

 "Love is a tempest. It sweeps you up, spins you around, and sometimes, it leaves you shipwrecked in its wake."

Mon's mind was a tumult of memories and questions, each step echoing the rhythm of her racing heart. The confrontation with Sam had left her adrift in a sea of uncertainty.

She found herself at the old bridge overlooking the river, the water below a mirror to the turmoil within. The bridge, once a symbol of connection, now felt like a divide between her present and the future she thought she'd have. Mon whispered to the stars that fell on the skies of little Valeria like a somber blanket.

 "Did you see it coming, celestial guides? Did you know that the love that felt like destiny was destined to end in tragedy?"

As if in response, a shooting star carved a path across the heavens, a fleeting glimmer of hope in the endless expanse.

Lost in her reverie, Mon didn't notice the figure approaching until she heard a familiar voice, one that cut through the silence and made her heart skip a beat.

 "Mon, wait up!"

Mon turned, her eyes red-rimmed and swollen, to find Ivy standing there, concern etched on her face. "Mon, you shouldn't be out here alone. The night is full of secrets, and not all are kind."

 "Ivy... I feel so lost. Sam's words, cut deeper than I thought possible."

Ivy reached out, her hand resting gently on Mon's shoulder.

"Sometimes, the ones we love leave us lost in the woods. But look around Mon. There are paths yet untraveled, and you have the strength to walk them."

Mon looked into Ivy's eyes, finding an earnestness that anchored her. "But where do I go from here? How do I move past the pain? How could the same person who brought who bought so much joy also bring such profound sorrow? First you, and Now Sam too.", Mon stated in a muffled voice.

 "You start by taking a step forward, one at a time. And you don't have to do it alone. I'm sorry, Mon. Can you please give me another chance? I swear, I'll make it right." Ivy's desperation for Mon was the same as when she met Mon for the first time.

"Not now, Ivy-", before Mon could finish a sudden chill in the air made them shiver. A low fog began to roll in from the river, shrouding the bridge in mystery. Ivy panicked with a sense of urgency in her voice.

"We should get back. This fog... it's unnatural."

As they turned to leave, a figure emerged from the mist, their features obscured, their intentions unknown. "Mon, isn't it? You've been asking questions, stirring the waters best left still."

Mon's heart skipped a beat. The figure's voice was a cold caress, a warning wrapped in velvet. "Who are you? What do you want?"

 "Consider this friendly advice. Some truths are buried for a reason. Dig too deep, and you might just find yourself buried alongside them."

The figure vanished as quickly as it appeared, leaving Mon and Ivy alone once more.

"Mon, we need to be careful. There are forces at play here, forces we don't understand."

Mon gazing into the fog, her resolve hardening. She knew the dangers, but the truth was a siren call she couldn't resist. And come morning, she would answer it. She turns back to Ivy, thousands of questions through her siren eyes. She was intrigued. "What'd you know about the figure? And what forces are you talking about?"

"Mon, let's head home first. This place is not safe anymore. Stay at mine tonight.", Mon didn't want but she reluctantly agreed, not because she wanted but because she needed to get to the bottom of this. On the other hand, Sam disappears from the world's map. The phone is switched off, the empty room Sam, an overview of her huge mansion, and torn pictures on her table, explain a lot. Is Sam, ok? This doesn't look OK.

Stay tuned for the next chapter, where secrets will unravel, and hearts will tangle even further. The story continues. 🌸❤️

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