The photo

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I woke up from my nap, and realized dinner in the mess hall is over in 5 minutes. I race out the doorstep. But I find a photo. It shows Connor and Alexandra, kissing. Dated July 3, that's today. He kissed her today!

I sat on my bed, crying. I really liked Connor. How could he? I thought he liked me!


It was Connor.

"Hey, you weren't at dinner! Are you okay?"


"What happened?"


"What did I do?"

"Y-You kissed her!", I said showing him the picture.

"I didn't kiss her, she ran up to me, kissed me and snapped a picture. I get it, don't you see!"


"She's trying to break us apart!"

"I won't let her!"

"I won't either!"

We kissed for a minute or two, when we heard a knock on the door. It was Percy, he opened it, and saw us! It was very awkward.

"Ummmmmm, hey guys", he was weirded out, it was Percy,"what are you doing?"

"Kissing",Connor said.

"Listen, you probably do it with Annabeth all the time"

He blushed.

"Hey",Connor said,"Wanna watch the fireworks with me tomorrow for the Fourth of July?"

"Sure, Connor. That'd be fun"

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