Chapter 5

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“Park Jihyo?” The familiar voice called out over the music of the bar. Jihyo lifted her head from the crook of her elbow in a sheepish smile.

“What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be home resting?” Sana appeared behind Momo, her arms crossed in front of her.

There were about a hundred different bars and pubs and of course they had to choose this one. She searched her mind frantically for words to say but couldn’t find any to talk her way out of this. Chaeyoung turned to look at Jihyo who was stuttering and realized the two girls she was greeting at the reserved tables were the famous Minatozaki Sana and her manager.

"She always drops by after work, it's like her second home here.” She saved Jihyo, willing her to please close her mouth and not be embarrassing. “Hi, I'm Chaeyoung. Nice to meet you."

"I'm Sana and this is my manager and friend, Momo." Sana stepped forward.

"Nice to meet you, Chaeyoung-ssi." Momo stretched her hand out to shake Chaeyoung's.

"You always come here?" Sana turned her attention to Jihyo who was trying her best to blend into the wall. Jihyo nodded, straightening up.

"Chaeyoung is my best friend, and this pub belongs to her. This has been my go-to spot ever since she opened it." She explained, hoping to dissolve some of the awkwardness.

"Ji, since you are here, come join us." Momo dragged Jihyo by her wrist off the bar stool to their table. Park halted by the side of the table, hesitant.

“She’s cute.” Chae came up behind her, whispering into her ear. Jihyo whipped her head around and gawked at her. “The manager, not the actress.”

Chae tapped on Park's chin, which Jihyo didn’t even realise hung wide open.

"First round of drinks on Jihyo Unnie. What do you want to drink?" Chae threw Jihyo straight under the bus, resting her arm on Jihyo's shoulder. She could feel the daggers shot her way from the older girl’s eyes, enjoying her reaction thoroughly.

“Baekseju for all of us please, thank you unnie.” Momo made the order, directing her gratitude at Jihyo.

"Okay, coming right up! Come help me, unnie." Chae said, tugging Jihyo by her arm and pulling her behind the bar counter.

"Why? I'm a customer too. I'm paying for this, remember?" She shot back, glaring at Chae childishly but still following her anyway.

The two girls busied themselves with the bottles and soon returned to the table with trays full of glasses and bottles, passing one to each of them around the table.

Jihyo relented to sitting in the empty seat next to Sana, but not before physically shoving Chaeyoung into the seat next to the already slightly tipsy Momo.

"Congrats on the filming wrap Sana-ssi.” Chae started, raising her glance. Sana looked immediately at Jihyo, who lowered her gaze when she realised that she just got exposed for talking about her job with the girl.

“Since you all are unnie's friend, you are my friends now too. Do drop by more often." Chae continued, ignoring the one-sided staring, giving her toast politely to Sana.

Jihyo picked up the glass in front of her, knocking it back before regretting it immediately when the cold liquor burned as it slid down her throat. She swore audibly, coughing and scrambling for the mineral water bottle across the table.

"Are you sure you should be drinking?" Sana said, sounding resigned, as she extended a hesitant hand to pat the girl’s back.

"That's what I tell her every night but she doesn't listen." chaeyoung rubbed it in, sticking her tongue out at Jihyo before drinking her baekseju in small sips.

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