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As the car hummed softly along the road, the tension between Lover and Reputation could practically be cut with a knife. Earlier, in the store, something as simple as reaching for drinks had turned into a charged moment, leaving Lover ruminating on its significance. It was just a helpful gesture, right? It didn't mean anything... did it?

Lover glanced at Reputation, who was focused on the road, giving nothing away. The air felt heavy, suspended in awkwardness.

"So, uh..." Lover started, her voice trailing off as she struggled to find the right words, "are you excited for the party?" Internally, she winced at her own question.

Reputation offered a brief smile, but it was the sharp, sardonic kind that didn't quite reach her eyes. "I don't do parties," she replied coolly, a blatant lie that made Lover want to laugh. She remembered vividly when they had thrown a party for her not long after she moved in, and Reputation had ended up the life of the party, albeit staggeringly drunk.

Lover entered the kitchen, her steps light, but she paused at the sight that greeted her. There was Reputation, leaned against the counter like it was her only lifeline, a glass of something strong in hand.

"What are you doing?" Lover asked, and Reputation glanced over, her eyes slightly unfocused but her expression characteristically sharp.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" Reputation's words slurred just a touch, the edge in her tone softened by the alcohol. Even drunk, she's mean, Lover thought with a soft exhale of amusement mixed with exasperation.

Lover stepped closer, her movements filled with a restless energy as she stood beside Reputation. It was then that Reputation turned towards her, her gaze scanning Lover's cheerful, vibrant attire.

"Why are you so—" A hiccup interrupted her, adding a comical note to her otherwise cool demeanor. "So pink, so bubbly," she managed to say, her eyes squinting as if trying to solve a puzzle.

Lover looked back at her, a smile curving her lips. "What?" she asked, genuinely amused now.

Reputation sighed, another hiccup breaking through. "Yeah, you're like a living fucking Cupid. Hearts here, hearts there. So pink, so bubbly, so glittery," she muttered, her words tumbling into each other.

Lover couldn't help but giggle, shaking her head at the image painted by Reputation's words. "You're not so tough like everyone makes you out to be," she teased, a spark of playfulness lighting her eyes.

That earned her a sharp glare from Reputation, who straightened up slightly. "Don't get used to it," she warned, another hiccup slicing through the tension. "And don't tell anyone about this, they'll never let me live it down."

The drive back had been silent other than the music in the background, the earlier awkwardness replaced by an unspoken agreement to avoid discussing the moment. When they arrived, they worked together wordlessly to unload the car and carry everything inside.

Midnights, getting up, greeted them with a grin. "Perfect," she said, checking the supplies. "Thanks, I'll pay you back whenever I can."

Lover nodded and retreated to her room, trying to distract herself with a movie until it was time to get ready. She chose a pink dress for the party, hoping it wasn't too much. As she descended the stairs later, the party was already in full swing.

In the kitchen, she grabbed a soda and leaned against the counter. Her eyes locked with Reputation's as she heard someone chuckle.

"A soda? At a party?" Reputation teased in her usual tone, which somehow made Lover's heart flutter with relief.

"What's wrong with soda?" Lover retorted, her cheeks heating up as Reputation stepped closer.

"You really are a perfect good girl," Reputation remarked, her smirk sending a spark of something unexpected coursing through her veins.

"I am not," Lover quipped, sipping her soda defiantly.

"So, what were you planning on doing?" Reputation asked, curiosity flickering in her eyes.

"I'll probably just stay by myself," Lover shrugged, attempting nonchalance.

"No way, you're gonna be with me," Reputation declared, grabbing Lover by the arm and pulling her toward the dance floor.

Lover let herself be led away, her heart racing with excitement—and something else she couldn't quite name. But that's normal, she told herself.

She's not gay.


woo chapter 5, I really hope this is good. Any recommendations will be great because I really don't know what to do.

I love you guys and hopefully I can post sometime soon.

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