70. One Two One Two One

148 9 82

Warning: Violence. Oops. Thought I'd start tagging again :v


'Did Zane really have to do this?' Though it's better him than you. You don't think it would've gone over well with the ninja if you instigated this. Credulous to everything they see and hear. '...but some of that was my fault.' Grating and oscillating a jarring shift in perspectives, the track tunnel widened to pillars and its platform. Some of the other gang members showed. Except for Zane. Coldness helplessly scattered down your spine. 'He'll be fine.'

This wasn't like that time.

The android's off the bike, you backed out of his handsy "help", taking back Cole's jacket to tie it around you. His leather gloves strangled on nothing, the sound creaking out into the dispersing crowd. The knife he had to you days before is looped to his belt.

"Ah, you've finally arrived," she called from behind. Bang! Red popped out when she flashed a cylindrical instrument, streamers rocketing out and sprinkling you. She giggled manically. "C'mon, I'll have you wait with our new recruit... for the experience. You need some if you become a gang member."

"What if that's their first gig?" A biker asked.

"Then you're out the door. No interview."

"Isn't that the truth." Someone said, someone you really, really didn't want to see right now. Ronin stalled, fixing his bandana. Right there with your armor in bandaged hand.

"...what are you doing with my clothes?"

"Could say the same to you." That perked others in the subway. "Wasn't flirting for the sake of it that morning. Got an interested buyer for this armor–"

"AHAHAH!!! OH. MY. GOSH!!! This is so awkward." Ultra Violet twirled her ponytail in a nervous fit, waving you both off. "How do you know each other?"

"Oh, uh, we, um, we–"

"Partook in a little more than taking clothes that night." Crude, uncontainable howls and whistles gushed from onlookers. You're stammering like you'd explode and trigger a bomb inside your poor heart. He cast you an apologetic– no. It didn't look all that apologetic from what the bandit gleaned.

'Oh. That's what we're playing.' You try to get your tongue to say anything. And did it say something, "Well, we, we wou-would've done "more" but he can't handle more than one round."

That roused a few "Ohhhh"'s and "That got him good!"

"Hmh-haha. You wanted more?" He didn't waste a second after. "Didn't seem like it with how you were up against me all–"

"LALALALALA!!! I've heard enough!" Ultra Violet violently clapped her ears. "The armor. I don't care! Stoppppp! ARGH!!!"

"Give that back." You snatched it. The bandana's slipping, you readjust the cotton under dissecting attention, whispering, "What are you doing here?"

"Should be askin' you." They kept watching, Ronin's eyes swooped down back to yours, as he did on you. Closed in, his fingers slipped up your neck, past your ear to the roots of your hair, his thumb snagging the gasp you swallowed. He raised the cloth above his split upper lip, mouthing straight to your bruised side. Like his beaten lips would spell sweet nothings. All he was whispering are bitter warnings, "This isn't gonna play out like you're thinkin. I can already see it. Get the hell outta–"

"Yoooo, break it up you two!" Ultra Violet got between. The whole crowd swooned. You knew better. Despite feeling flushed confliction. "Overseer, go on over to where the other guy is" –your pupils caught another's, and you go rigid– "also I'm taking that back!" Your armor is in her hands, coaxing Ronin to the foreground. Barely, were you paying attention to that. "We'll negotiate a price in the meantime. I strike hard ones."

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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