Queen Kong(Kaiju Girls)

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Name: Queen Kong

Alias: Queen of Skull Island, Goddess of Skull Island, The Mountain who Thunders Death, Queen of the Primates, Ultimate Guardian, Big Fella, Friend, Queen of the Hollow Earth, Defender of Hollow Earth, The Eighth Wonder of the World, The Mighty Kong, The Challenger, The Juggernaut of the Jungle, The Ultimate Alpha, The Mighty, The Mighty Titan

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Race: Titanus Kong

Personality: Kind, Caring, Intelligent, Protective, Prideful, Territorial(Towards her Family and Friends), Fierce, Aggressive, Distrustful, Defiant(Towards her Enemies)

Likes: Her Friends, Meat, Hunting, Humans(Some of them), Skull Island, Monster Island, Good Kaiju, Godzilla, Junior

Dislikes: Being lonely, Humans(Most of them), Skull Crawlers, Evil Kaiju, Queen Ghidorah, MechaGodzilla


Superhuman Agility(Kong has extraordinary agility and climbing abilities, as she is capable of scaling massive cliffs and mountain faces with relative ease. In combination with her strength, Kong is capable of leaping long distances despite her height)

Carnivorous Diet(Kong regularly preys on and consumes meat from creatures such as Mire Squids and Warbats)

Durability and Stamina(Kong is tough and resilient and has shown great recuperative powers. Her stamina remains high even in an injured state, able to remain in full-fledged battles with other Titans lasting several minutes. As an adolescent, Kong was able to withstand bullets from attack helicopters and wounds from Skullcrawlers, though she was still injured by these attacks)

Trapping Mastery(Kong learned to create snares and fixtures for entangling pry or dumbfounding enemies, such as pits and deadfalls, to either aid in her hunt or to protect her home ground, evident when she lead a pack of Wart Dogs in a trap)

Senses(Kong's senses are keen and powerful. At one point, she sensed a Mire Squid lurking near her while drinking water from a lake and even heard the cries of a trapped Sker Buffalo struggling to break free from the wreckage of a helicopter. Her vision is also strong enough to notice people standing on a cliff through the dead of night.

Jaw Strength(Like all apes, Kong has sharp canine teeth that grant her a lethal bite. This was seen when she bites and tears off the tentacles of a Mire Squid after killing it)

Strength and Combat(Kong is enormously strong and has tremendously powerful arms, possessing sheer feral strength. As an adolescent, she was able to throw a boulder around half her own size, uproot large trees and throw them a great distance at flying targets with accuracy, fight off a Mire Squid and kill it using her own muscles and also able to rip off Skull Devil's powerful tongue when it latched onto her, killing the alpha Skullcrawler. Her punches can incapacitate smaller Skullcrawlers and can wrestle and pin the alpha to the ground by using sheer force. She also was shown to be able to rip a Wart Dog in half with her bare hands. She possesses the strength to take on Titans as powerful as Godzilla. Kong can effectively utilize melee and ranged weapons in and out of combat. Kong's most valuable weapon is the massive dorsal fin axe she discovered in the Hollow Earth. Kong can enter a berserk rage once she has finally had enough, increasing her strength)

Weapon proficiency(Kong has the capacity to wield any type of object which she can use as tools or weapons on opponents. She was able to use a stripped tree trunk as a baseball bat to swing it against Skull Devil's face, use a ship's propeller attached to a chain as a flail to wound and pull the creature back toward her and even used the propeller as a saw blade to slice Skull Devil's throat open. Kong is also capable of using a battle axe in combat)

Size Alteration(She can alter her size at will. She can change her size from 103 meters to the size of a human)


Published: 5/19/24

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Published: 5/19/24

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