03. Unrequited Love

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I saw her eyes speak
The unsaid words
Buried within my heart.
I felt her soul quiver
By my gestures of love,
Yet she's so unbothered.

I know not if she pretends
To not knowing my feelings.
I know that I have expressed
My intentions with clear meanings.

To let her hear my emotions
How loud should I make my voice?
How can I show her my love
If she turns a blind eye by choice?

Can something be in the dark
When it's out in the light?
Is love dependent to be perceived
By the senses of smell, hear and sight?

- Shaz

- Shaz

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The feeling of being in love with a person who knows you love them, yet neither you nor they let each other know about it. This is what I tried to portray in this poem.

To my readers, I hope none of you ever has to go through this situation. This feeling is beautiful, yet heartbreaking.

Sending hugs <3

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⏰ Last updated: 12 hours ago ⏰

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