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Its been 2 weeks since I left Charlotte and theres still another week left of my holiday before I go back and see her again. Saying I miss her would be a massive understatement.

I'm laying in bed and suddenly I get a message from Charlotte.

Mia It's Urgent.

I immediately pick up my phone and ring her and she picks up straight away. I can hear her breathing from the other side of the phone call and it sounds like she's been crying.

"Sweetheart are you ok?" I ask feeling really scared. Charlotte struggles to speak and I hear her crying as she talks.

"Me and Marjorie got into a fight about Jodie and Christian came back and I really need you with me right now."

I feel my heart breaking.

"Sweetheart I'm going to catch the next flight home ill see you in a couple of hours."

I hang up the phone and rush to the airport catching the first flight I can. The whole flight home I'm working about Charlotte. I wish I wasn't so far away. I wish I could get to her sooner. The plane finally lands after what feels like forever and I jump in my car and drive straight over to Charlotte's house.

I park up on her driveway and open the door.

"Sweetheart where are you?" I cry out as I hear her teary voice reply.

"The bathroom"

I run straight up to the bathroom and I stare at her in pure shock. I run up to her and throw my arms around her and she grabs hold of my tightly still crying. 

"Sweetheart those cuts..... they look deep do you need help cleaning them up."

She nods.

"Sorry if this hurts Sweetheart."

I get a damp warm cloth and wipe the blood away before wrapping a bandage over her arms. I also get her into some clean clothes.

"Mia I'm sorry"

"For what Sweetheart?"

"Making you come home from your holiday early and having to see me like this."

"Sweetheart, your my everything. I'm always going to stop what I'm doing if you call for help." I wrap my arms around her and start to cry.

"I'm never leaving you alone again."

She wraps her arms around me  and we stay in the embrace for a good 5 minutes. She breaks the silence.

"Mia do you want to move in with me?" She mumbles. I reply without thinking

"Yes, I'll bring my things over while your at work tomorrow."

"Actually can you call Marjorie or Autumn because I can't go into work in this state"

"Of course Sweetheart" I pick up my phone to message Autumn.

Autumn. Charlotte won't be a work tomorrow for personal reasons.


"I messaged Aut"

"Thanks Mia"

I carry her out of the bathroom and into her bedroom and place her gently down on the bed making sure she's comfortable.

"Mia cuddle with me." She says as she pulls me down next to her. I keep cuddled up to her and she slowly falls asleep. I don't move because I don't want to disturb her from her sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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