Chapter 44

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"If those aren't donuts, Lieutenant Bishop. I'm reengaging the ban on you." I laugh at Monica as I make my way towards the nurses' station. "Yikes. My lucky day then. I'm guessing it wasn't the best night?" The nurses all rush towards me, taking the big box out of my hands while groaning. "Can I just...?" I take a bear claw, Boston cream and cronut out, placing it on a napkin. "Is my wife close by?" I lick the icing from my fingers, looking around just in time to see her and Dr. Wilson come out of a delivery room. She smiles brightly while adding a skip to her step as she runs toward me.

"Caio, my love." She falls into my arms when I open them for her, inhaling my scent like it can give her a shot of energy. "Not that I'm not delighted to see you, bella. But I thought we were meeting you guys at the cabin?" Her breath tickles my neck while she mumbles into my skin. She smells like antiseptic and coffee, but still has a hint of her perfume left after a long day. And I'm guessing the new lotion clinging to my skin after my shower earlier, is clearly still doing it for her because she keeps rubbing her nose against my neck, purring like a cat.

I kiss the top of her head before reaching behind her to grab the coffee I got them on my way to the hospital. "Morning, Dr. Wilson. I didn't know what you would like, so I got a latte and americana?" Jo thanks me with a grateful smile, taking the latte from the cardboard tray. "Congratulations on becoming a fully qualified OB. We should go out and celebrate properly soon." I hold out the napkin filled with donuts for her to choose from. Her grin is huge as she takes the one on top, thanking me with a full mouth.

She says her goodbyes with a squeeze on my shoulder before leaving us alone. I look down at Carina who takes a sip of her coffee while tucked underneath my chin. "Long night?" She groans at the exact same time as her nurses. "Five deliveries in counting." I widen my eyes in shock, pulling my wife out of my arms to show her how impressed I am. She lets out an exhausted laugh into my chest. "Seven, actually. Dr. Wilson and I just delivered the twins." All the nurses cheer loudly while handing her a whiteboard eraser.

"Finalmente!" My wife untangles herself from me to wipe the whiteboard clean, which usually has a list of active labors on it. "Good job, ladies. Let's get ready to hand our patients off to the day staff, so we can all go relax." Monica salutes her as a joke while Carina drags me off to her office for some us time. "I just want to slouch on my couch for a minute. And those donuts smell like heaven." She looks over her shoulder at me when I puff out a laugh, like she just remembered I'm behind her. "Seriously, Maya. Why aren't you drinking a beer next to the lake right now with your team?"

I close the door behind us, watching her shuffle towards the couch in utter exhaustion. She flops into it, moaning loudly as she sinks into the cushions. I place our pastries and coffee on the table while she waits for me to answer her. She tucks her hand underneath her chin as she watches me sit down next to her. "I had a very important meeting this morning, so I told the guys to head out without me." She looks confused for a minute but lets out a long and delirious moan when I take her shoes off and start rubbing her feet.

"You know what, never mind. We don't even have to go. Just stay here and keep doing that." I wink at her while continuing to focus on the pressure points on the soles of her feet. "Whatever you want, my love. But can I get a proper hello first?" I tuck her closer to brush my lips over hers like I've been dreaming about since we parted ways after our appointment. My double shift ended up going long as I had to work in the hours I missed to accompany her to the fertility clinic, only to come home to an empty bed as Carina got called into an emergency surgery.

We were able to say a quick hello in the garage as she came home and I went out to my next double, like we all planned in order to get the entire weekend off. The surgeons in our group also decided to work a nightshift so they can join us at the cabin too. But our shift ended earlier, and we decided that we'd drive over in separate groups. This is our first time being a part of the Devous family camping trip, but the timing of it all kind of sucks. Carina and I are supposed to be discussing what we learned from our new doctor, and instead we haven't even had two minutes alone.

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