Chapter 10: Who turned off the lights??

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-Y/N's Pov-

Current time: March 6th, 04:16 PM

3 days have passed, each one of them was... boring, nothing happened really, I went to chill with Haz and visit some of the sections I was in during these days.

The other gootraxians I met always tried to avoid me, and I thought about what some others said, thinking I was a "bloodthirsty maniac" or something like that.

Y/N: (Something tells me Laminax employees weren't really kind with them, what happened? If only they could tell me. Ugh this is annoying, I just want to know what's happening with them!!)

I keep walking aimlessly through the corridors of Section 2 until I realized.

Y/N: (Hm... chances are, there must be documents on the gootraxians, it has be stocked somewhere... but where?)

I try and look inside random rooms trying to find anything related to documents about gootraxians, so I can at least know more about them, I do find documents but... not about them, more like documents about inventions and stuff, yeah pretty much garbage if you ask me.

Y/N: (Come on!! There has to be something here!!)

I keep looking around until I hear some rustling nearby.

Y/N: (Hm? What was that?)

The rustling stops and I see a slime pup emerge from a box.

Y/N: Oh. Hi there little guy.

The pup is a yellowish color, but glistening, something I haven't seen in other pups.

I approach it and it doesn't seem afraid or anything.

I crouch to eye level.

Y/N: What are you doing here? Are you lost? Do you know where your parents are?

Y/N: (Wait I just realized, sure other gootraxians understand human language but... can pups also understand me?)

The pup jumps out of the box and looks at me curiously. I decide to reach the top of its head and pat it.

Y/N: Say, I always wanted to know, uhm... can you guys... talk? Like some of your friends does?

The pup tilt its head in confusion.

Y/N: Right, that means no... but you can understand me right?

The pup squeaks in response.

Y/N: I guess... that's a yes?

Y/N: (Well at least I know that.)

I keep looking at the pup and I can't help but wonder if its color is yellow or gold like.

Y/N: That's odd... I never seen pups of that color before.

The pup squeaks in response again.

Y/N: Welp it was nice meeting you but I have to g-


Suddenly, all lights went off and the doors gets forced open by itself.

Y/N: What the-...

The only light I have right now is... the pup... itself.

Y/N: What the- Y-You're glowing??

It makes a terrified squeak and starts shaking.

Y/N: H-Hey hey it's ok, don't worry.

I pick it up and try to reassure it by petting it on the head.

After HoursNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ