Chapter 0: Prologue

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-No POV-

Another year, another day in the facility of Laminax Laboratories, the facility is known, or rather unknown for it's experiments involving many different things you'd expect in a high tech facility, the day is February 29th, 2024, precisely 10:02 pm.

Our story is about Y/N.

Y/N is your everyday employee at Laminax, well kind of, they have been hired a few months ago when they needed money to live, luckily, they got an email from a company that said they needed more hires, and you guessed it, that company was none other than Laminax Co, they needed more employee due to the... casualties that happens everyday, and to ensure the safety of all, new hires are limited to explore the facility, the lab is divided in multiple sections, from 1 to 10, the 1st section is the safest of all, no dangers unless the employees voluntarily search for troubles. The 10th section on the other hand... well you can guess it yourself. It was a golden opportunity for Y/N since they not only got a pretty good pay, but they could also have their own personal room to stay in the facility night and day.

Y/N has a security clearance of Level 1, and they have never heard about the creatures that roams the halls of the deeper sections.

Right now, Y/N is seen in their work room doing some paper works, they have been doing them for a few hours now.

-Y/N's POV-

Y/N: Alright, a few more papers and I should be done for today.

As time goes on, I hear voices from outside of the room, I don't pay attention to not get distracted.

Current time: 10:30 PM

-co-worker #1 POV-

co-worker #2: So, you done with your tasks?

co-worker #1: Yeah, took way too much time than usual but i finally finished them.

co-worker #2: Good, remember to go to the reception at 11:30 PM so we can get ready for the protocol, I seriously hope no one gets left behind again.

co-worker #1: Chill, nothings gonna happen, we didn't get a casualty report from last year's protocol right?

co-worker #2: We did actually...

co-worker #1: Oh... damn.

co-worker #2: Yeah.. I'm wondering how it's possible people still get left behind like that, I mean we do have a security system right? We should see if anyone is still inside.

co-worker #1: I mean it ain't our fault if they don't go to the reception when the entire facility asks them to, speaking of which, the broadcast should be heard any minute now.

co-worker #2: Aight, I'm gonna go get some coffee before getting to the reception.

co-worker #1: Ok, stay safe out there.

co-worker #2: Don't worry I will, hey remember, reception, 11:30 PM, don't be the next victim alright?

co-worker #1: Yeah yeah I will, jeez.

-Y/N's POV-

The voices from outside the room stopped and footsteps are heard getting farther away.

Yet I still work on these papers.

Y/N: Damn, why did they make me do that task, it takes forever!...

While still working on the paper works, I start yawning and feel sleepy

Y/N: Come on, I can't sleep on the job like that..

The fatigue rapidly catches up to me and I feel my eyes closing on their own

Y/N: No... come on.. gotta keep up, gotta keep up... gotta...... keep....... up-

I suddenly fall asleep, head on desk.


Current time: 11:20 PM

The broadcast suddenly turns on.

Broadcast: All employees are needed in the reception rooms, the After Hours Protocol will soon start. I repeat, All employees are needed in the reception rooms, drop your tasks and head to the reception to exit the facility.

-co-worker #2's POV-

I head toward the reception room, once I arrived, I try to look for my friend in the crowd of people, suddenly, a random employee pats my shoulder, I turn around.

Unknown employee: Hey Sergio! Jeez I've been looking for you man.

Before me stands Alan, a friend of mine, he seemed worried and thought I wouldn't arrive in time.

Sergio: Alan? What are you doing here?

Alan: Dude you serious?

Sergio: Oh right yeah the protocol ha.. umm you've been looking for me?

Alan: Duh? Anyway where is Daniel?

Sergio: Well I'm looking for him too but I can't find him.

Alan: Did you tell him to go to the reception.

Sergio: Yeah, I told him but he is the kind of person to forget about things easily, I swear if I can't find him..

Alan: Dude calm down it's okay we gonna find him.

Alan goes to speak to a guard

Alan: Hey excuse me, have you seen a person named Daniel?

Guard: Negative sir, we don't record employees names after they reached the reception.

Sergio: I swear to God I mumbled to myself before sprinting outside of the reception

Alan: Ok thats gonna be a bit of a problem, hey Sergio I don't think Daniel is- WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!

Sergio: Don't worry I'll be back! I'm just gonna look for him! I'll be there in just a minute!

-Alan's POV-

Alan: Sergio wait!! Oh damn it, what do we do?!

Guard: ...

Alan: Answer me!

Guard: Sorry sir, but we can't do much about it, the protocol will start any minute now.

Alan: Can't you.. I don't know, delay it for a bit??

Guard: ... Negative sir, the protocol must be followed like it was intended to.

Alan: Damn it.. I look back at where Sergio went.

Alan: Please Sergio... be quick. I whisper to myself before heading toward the exit elevators.

-Sergio's POV-


As I keep running faster and farther away from the reception, I feel my heart beating even faster


I get past the corridor where we last met, it was near an office of someone named Y/N, Daniel shouldn't be far, I can only hope he is safe, and we can get out of here as quick as possible... but for some reason... I start losing this hope...

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