Chapter 7: Dangers Everywhere

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-Y/N's POV-

I follow Dros through the corridors, the many things I get to see here and there and from gootraxians keep surprising me. Lepi was right, it's going to take a while before I process everything.

Y/N: So... where do we go?

Dros: I'll make you visit the place, there's alot to see you have no idea.

Y/N: This facility is huge, do you guys ever get lost in here?

Dros: Well it's true that at first we got confused about the place and sometimes got lost but the years went on and we got to learn these areas like the back of our paw.

We pass next to a room filled with bushes and flowers.

Dros: This is one of the many gardens in the facility, a place commonly known to chill with other people.

I see several gootraxians taking naps on pillows and some others on shelves, some look like Dros and some look really different, I even see slime pups playing together, seems like they haven't noticed us.

Y/N: This place looks peaceful.

Dros: Heh, yeah, I wish the whole facility was like that though.

Y/N: What do you mean by that?

Dros: It's a long story I don't really want to talk about it.

Y/N: Ok..?

We keep walking around, we get past more gootraxians, some of them freezes in an instant once they see us and some looks at me, some even take a different path when they notice us.

Y/N: (Why does everyone seem to... avoid us?)

I think to myself while we eventually reach another flooded area.

Y/N: Wow, how many of these pool rooms are there in the facility?

Dros: You'd be surprised, these rooms can be plentiful deeper into the facility, but the problem is it restrain access for some gootraxians.

Y/N: How so?

Dros: Let's just say some gootraxians really doesn't like water. Like me.

Y/N: Oh I see, but I noticed you have wings, can't you just... fly over the water?

Dros: Of course I can, but I like walking on foot.

Y/N: And why..?

Dros: I don't know I just got used to it, I only use my wings when necessary.

Y/N: If you say so.

Dros walks outside the room and I'm about to follow them but I then hear a voice coming from somewhere, distracting me.

???: Hey there.

Y/N: Huh?

I look around but can't seem to find the origin of that voice.

???: Over there dingus.

I look toward the pool and notice a pink head peeking outside the water, with a pair of magenta eyes looking at me.

Before I even step back the creature talks again.

???: Don't worry I'm not dangerous, hey what are you doing all alone here anyway? Says the creature as it emerges from the water, it looks like a shork but entirely pink except for its chin and underbelly colored white, it even has long pink hair.

Y/N: I uh... I was following a friend of mine.

???: I see, so you make friends with other gootraxians?

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