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I had stayed in England for longer than i anticipated. Turns out there were alot of meetings to be held before i could officially become their partner. I however called daily to find out how Arnold was doing. Michael told me he had started responding and he was getting better. That calmed me down a bit. We ended up celebrating Miles' birthday in England, just the two of us and some friends who took a liking to my son.

I was now sitted in my office which had been assigned to me by our partners, sorting out some documents before i leave the next day. Miles sat on a leather couch playing with a plastic dinosaur which one of the nicer collegues had given to him. He looked happy and that made me happy. I had not called Michael for two days so i was planning to tell him that i would be leaving for Italy the next day.

I was so focused on my work i didn't notice the office door open and Jeremy enter, i only realized he was there when he cleared his throat and stood in front of my desk.

"Hey!" He spoke so calmly. I looked up at him and glared.

"What the hell are you doing here Jeremy?" I asked annoyed with his bluntness.

"Just came to see you and Miles..." He said. I spared a glance at Miles and turned back to glare at him.

"In case you don't know, I have a boy friend." I said returning my attention to the computer in front of me.

He raised his arms.
"I know ok...i just came to check up on you...for real.." He looked somewhat nervous but i did not trust Jeremy, i would be a fool to.

"As you can see, am fine...you can go now." I said irritated. He let out a sign.

"We are friends Jace, even before the whole exes thing.."

"Its Clarence in case you forgot..." I said glaring at him. He sighed and looked away.

"Listen am sorry ok...very sorry.... I really support your relationship with Arnold..." He started but i cut him off. I did not have time for this.

"Then why the hell are you here Jeremy?" I asked. He rose a brow at me and glanced at Miles then at me. I rolled my eyes.

"He's too young to know how curse words work. Now speak before i call security!" I said almost shouting. He winced.

"I actually work here." He trailed off and my eyes widened.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I asked. He shrugged and smiled a bit.

"It means am the CEO of this place and my employees just came out of a meeting with a young Italian entrepreneur called Clarence and i wanted to see for myself." He said.

I immediately felt guilty. Would he cancel the partnership now that it was me? I was so scared. I travelled all the way here. He wouldn't do that, he seemed like a nice guy now. Jeremy smiled at me when he noticed my discomfort.

"Am not going to cancel the partnership Jeremy, in fact am more than happy to have our companies work together.." He chuckled and held out his hand for a handshake. I shakily took it and gave a tight lipped smile.

"Relax Clarence, you look stressed and scared." He chuckled. I didn't reply. I just gave a genuine smile this time.

"I heard what happened in Australia...am sorry about that...." He said. I smiled a bit.

"Its ok, what's important is that am alive now." I said.

"Yeah...did you come with Arnold..." He seemed unsure while saying that.

"No...no..he is in Italy still..." I told him. He smiled lightly and nodded.

"Do you have dinner plans?" He asked. I looked away.

"Jeremy i told you I have a boyfriend..." He chuckled and backed up a bit.

"I know....my husband will be there, i promise, he is a great cook. You should bring Miles..he is a sucker for kids." He smiled looking at Miles still focused on destroying his toy's tail while mumbling unrecognisable things.

"Husband?" I asked shocked.

"Yeah, i got married to a man..its been a year now.." He said chuckling.

"Wow! Am sorry i missed the wedding..." He smiled and shrugged.

"Technically, you didn't...the real wedding is two months from now." He said. His eyes glimmered when he talked about this person. I was happy for him.

"Well i will make sure i attend." He smiled and nodded.

"So..dinner?" He asked and i nodded. Before i knew it, Jeremy pulled me into a hug. Just then, the office door opened.

"So this is what you're doing in England huh?" Arnold's voice rang through my office. We pulled apart.

"Arnold?" My voice cracked.

"Don't even start with me Clarence!" He glared and turned to Jeremy.

"You just never get enough huh?" He asked angry. My eyes widened at what he was implying. He thought I would cheat? On him? With Jeremy?

"Arnold what do you mean by that?" I asked.

"Shut up Clarence!" He shouted and I heard Mikes whimper in the background. Arnold's eyes shifted to Miles.

"Is that your son together huh? You left me to come be with this...." He stopped and let out an angry growl."i gave you my kidney! MY kidney!!" He shouted and Jeremy turned to me confused.

"W-what does he mean?" Asked Jeremy. Tears welled up in my eyes.

"Pretending to be the victim huh? Where was he when you were dying in a hospital bed? Where was he when we were looking for a match for your kidney? And you dare lie to my father about a business meeting to come and cheat on me!" He shouted and suddenly Miles let out a cry. I rushed to my son's side as he sobbed. Arnold seemed to realise his mistake but before he could move forward, Jeremy spoke first. He picked up the phone on my desk and called security.

"I think you should leave!" He coldly told Arnold.

"You have no right to dictate when i should be with him!" Arnold glared at him but Jeremy remained calm. "He's my boyfriend!"

"You sure don't treat him like it! You don't even trust him!" Jeremy said and security entered the office dragging Arnold out with them. I was still rocking Miles and by now he was quiet and asleep on my shoulder.

"He needs time to calm down." Jeremy plainly said and sat down on a chair further from us. I nodded. I appreciated his kindness.

People really do change.

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