I changed my mind lol

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Okay, so I finally decided to split this book up into two, and have Kouvr have a book to herself and Ashtyn have a book to herself. As you guys know, the reason I waited so long is because I didn't want to lose all the comments 🥺 Everyone has been so supportive and I love reading your comments, and if I split the books I will literally lose ALL OF THEM and I didn't want that 😭

However, I am significantly prouder of Ashtyn's story and I wanted to have it as it's own separate thing. It was bothering me lmao.

Ashtyn's book is already up on my profile, published and everything, and it's called "Firecracker" for those who are interested! I literally just copied and pasted the chapters I already had in this book so don't worry about any random edits.

Thank you so much to every single one of you who voted and commented on this book, you guys gave me so much inspiration! I never expected this book to get as much love as it did and I am so so grateful and now I can say that I've published a fanfiction short story before so yay go me lmao !!

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