chapter eight

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Fitzgibbons concluded his announcements the next morning and stepped back from the dais, signaling the end of formation. However, to everyone's surprise, Commandant Panchek took the podium instead. It was unusual for him to attend morning formations, which made us all wonder what was happening.

Curiosity got the better of Rhiannon, who was a few steps ahead of me. "What's going on with Panchek?" she whispered.

"Not sure," Violet replied, taking a deep breath.

"It has to be something big if he's fumbling with a Codex up there," Rhiannon speculated.

Dain, who had been unusually silent this morning, suddenly ordered us to be quiet. He glanced back over his shoulder for the first time, and his eyes widened in shock as he noticed Violet's neck. "Vi?" he exclaimed.

"I'm fine," she reassured him, but he continued to stare at her throat, clearly shocked. "Squad Leader Aetos, people are staring," she reminded him, aware of the attention they were drawing as Commandant Panchek began to speak at the podium, indicating that there was another urgent matter to address this morning. However, Dain couldn't tear his eyes away. "Dain!"

He blinked, snapping his gaze back to Violet's. "Is that what Riorson meant by last night?"

Violet nodded. I frowned, trying to get a glimpse of what the commotion was about. Peeking over Ridoc's shoulder, I saw it. Violet had large, visible purple bruises on her neck, as if she had been choked. My nerves spiked.

"I didn't know. Why didn't you tell me?" Dain asked, his voice filled with concern.

"I'm fine," she repeated, gesturing towards the dais. "Later."

Reluctantly, Dain turned away, but his motion showed his lingering reluctance.

"It has been brought to my attention as your commandant that a breach of the Codex has occurred," Panchek's voice echoed through the courtyard.

"As you are well aware, breaches of our most sacred laws are absolutely unacceptable," Panchek continued. "This matter will be addressed promptly. Will the accuser please come forward."

"Someone's in trouble," Rhiannon whispered. "Think Ridoc finally got caught in Tyvon Varen's bed?"

My eyes widened, and my breath hitched in my throat. A lump formed, and I struggled to comprehend what I had just heard. There was no way he would...

"That's hardly against the Codex," Ridoc murmured in front of me.

"He's the executive officer for Second Wing." Violet pointed out with a pointed glance over her shoulder.

"And?" Ridoc shrugged, grinning without a hint of remorse. "Fraternizing with command is frowned upon, not unlawful."

Violet sighed, facing forward. "I miss sex."

Emotions overwhelmed me, and tears threatened to spill from my eyes. I couldn't understand what had happened between us. One moment, it seemed like he genuinely liked me, and the next, he was spreading rumors that I had attempted to harm him. Without even speaking to me.

And... he had already moved on? No. My heart ached, there was no way that was true. I felt lost and helpless, I had no idea what to do.

In an attempt to regain my composure, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I had to remain calm and think. I needed to find a way to fix this, to mend our relationship. It couldn't have been because of the kiss, the cause of this sudden change. After all, he had seemed genuinely happy afterward, even excited. Then we had our first Gauntlet practice, and I...

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