Chapter 14: New life in Gusu

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Zhan and Yibo arrived in Gusu they were happy to start a new life there. They unpacked their luggage some villagers came to greet them, and welcome them in the village.

" Yibo I'm happy that we are back here".

" so I'm I bunny, now that we are starting a family I'm more happy".

" So what are we going to do in the future , you know when the baby is born?".

" I know love but we have enough money to sustain us for a long time but still if you want us to do something we can do it".

" I think we can open up a restaurant here, you know i love to cook".

" nice idea , i will tell Xuan to buy us the materials needed he will send them to us".

" yes we have more time until the baby is born, no need to rush".

Yibo prepared dinner for the two of them, after eating they went to their room had a quick shower then slept. The next day Zhan woke up so early at 3 o'clock   because he was feeling hungry,

" Zhan are you oky? , are you feeling pain?".

" no I'm not feeling pain, I'm just feeling hungry".

" but Zhan it is too early , let's go back to sleep".

Zhan started crying...

" Yi...Yibo you want me to die of hunger with the baby you are evil ... hi ...hi...I shouldn't have followed you here"

" here stop crying bunny, I will cook something for you okay I'm sorry".

" you will really cook something for me?".

" ofcuourse how can I let you and our baby starve?, let's go to the kitchen I will cook for you".

Zhan wiped his tears and followed Yibo to the kitchen , Zhan was sitting on a chair talking non stop while Yibo was just listening to whatever Zhan was saying.

" Yibo do you think our baby will be a boy or a girl?".

" well I don't mind the gender, a girl or a boy it doesn't matter".

" but I want a baby a girl".

" why?".

" I just love baby girls, but if we happen to have a baby boy I will love him the same".

" come wash your hands and eat okay."

After eating they went back to their room, Zhan slept as soon as he reached the bedroom while Yibo was finding it difficult to sleep again.

Zhan woke up at 9 o'clock , Yibo was not on the bed he was busy doing house chores. He also wanted to take Zhan to the village hospital for check up since they did not do that in the city.

" Good morning love , did you sleep well?".

" Good morning, I was worried I didn't find you on the bed when I woke up".

" I just thought I should do the house chores, then I will take you to the hospital for check up".

" then I will just take a bath first,then I will eat I'm feeling hungry".

" should I help you with that?".

" are you sure you want to help me or you want something else?".

" I guess you have catch me, so should I follow you?".

" let's go ".

They went to the bathroom together and they took a long shower , when they came out bunny was already tired.

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