Quite The Morning

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No One's POV

The morning sun shines through the window, waking Luca with a warm glow. He slowly opens his eyes and yawns, giving his arms a big stretch as he sits up. The faint smell of cornetto and coffee tickle his nose.

Massimo must be up already. Luca thought.

Luca groggily makes himself get out of bed, replaying the events of last night in his head. He had no idea what was going to persist, but he knew he was in for the quite the morning.

Alberto rolled over and stretched. His mouth was drier than the Sahara Desert, he could feel his tongue sticking to the roof of his mouth. He looked over at Luca's empty bed.

Where is Luca, did he not come to bed last night? Alberto questioned.

Alberto had only slept for an hour last night, he tried to turn off his brain but he just couldn't. Over thinker was his middle name.

He got up out of his bed and went into the bathroom. He looked into the mirror and groaned when he saw how prominent the violet tinge under his eyes was.

This was going to be quite the morning for Alberto.

Dio Mio.

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