Status Update - POLL CLOSED

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The Poll is closed and the result is that I will only write out the ides where the story was supposed to go out after the next chapter. The chapter below is the reason why that was the decision I decided to make.



I know this story hasn't been updated in half a year and I am sorry to disappoint anyone reading this, hoping for the next long awaited chapter.

Half a year later and a lot has changed in my life, I am still a teenager trying to live life and not worry about delivering strangers with content I dislike writing.

Maybe this is a way for me to get rid off some of the guilt that I have had felt a few times since the last chapter.

Chapter 22 is in the works since February or even before that. I only have to write my ideas into a nice to read chapter, the story for it is done, but I can for the death of me not think that I will continue writing with the same passion as before.

This story has been a part of my life for maybe 1.5 years and god, they have been crazy in terms of personal development, also noticable when you compare the old chapters with the new ones lol.

My idea of a sorry is that I provide the rest of the planned story until the actual end of it, so you know where it was supposed to go.

Now you have to vote if you want that or rather a few shorts of ideas I had, that would make up the inbetweens of the current state and the end of the story. Or you could just tell me to leave it be and let the reader wonder, but I think transparincy is nice.

I thought a lot, and I mean a lot, about rewriting the story, as I don't like the first dozen chapters because they read like every other half-assed story on this platform (seriously, just use ao3, its way better). I could change a few things and include bits here and there, but that would take decades at my current pace (haha what has come of this nice piece of work).

So yeah, thank you all for reading and voting on this story, it means a lot, even though I felt bad to not post...

Remeber to comment on the future of the story, or don't I am not forcing anyone.

Until then,

Nigasaradude, the author (who is also just a dude trying to understand life and himself).

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