Chapter 51

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After the speech, everybody were cheering and clapping as they made their way down the stage.

"It was a nice speech," she shyly complimented hugging Matteo's arm while disregarding Dahlia.

"It was all Marissa's doing," he drew his arm out of her embrace and circled it around Dahlia's waist, Willa's face scrunched up for a moment and instantly transformed into a cute smile.

"Yeah sure."

"Now that the speech is done, can we all proceed to the dining area, I am damn hungry."  Nobody noticed Diego going towards the microphone until he screamed that.

Vren slapped his forehead in vexation and ordered him to get off the stage. Diego stuck out his tongue to his father in a childish way and Thalia smacked him at the back of his head.

"Hey!" He whined as she dragged him down the stage uttering apologies to the guests as she walked by, her cheeks tinted in embarrassment.

The guests all went to the dining area leaving only Matteo, Dahlia and Willa with some few other people.

"Go before me, I have something to take care of," Matteo said.

"Okay, come back quick," she responded and went to join the rest in the dining area. Willa smirked and followed Matteo, stalking him till she saw him standing at the balcony smoking.

She adjusted her dress making sure to show more cleavage than necessary, the slit showed more skin on her thigh. Giving her a once over satisfactory look, she walked up to him and hugged him from behind.

Matteo was startled at first, "you startled me Marissa, you should have told me you wanted to tag along," he said thinking the woman hugging him was Dahlia.

He wanted to turn and hug her back but something stopped him and made him suspicious. The perfume Dahlia wore wasn't the one he was perceiving now.

"Get off me Willa," the soft tone turned dangerous upon realising who it was. Willa stiffened and refused to let go, instead she pressed her body into his.

Matteo grabbed her hand and forced it off him, the force made her stumble back and fall on her butt.

"Matteo, you pushed me because of that girl," Willa cried out sniffing.

"Get out Willa, don't make me hate you," he threw a warning glance at the girl sprawled on the floor.

"I love you Matteo, I fell in love with you the moment I saw you, you can't just tell me to throw that away!"

He signed warily, "I don't love you, never have and never will be, so I suggest you get rid of those feelings," his voice was coated with indifference as well as his face. Willa gasped, pearly tears ran down her face, for five long years she waited, waited for him to love her back but it seemed the wish was far-fetched.

"Do you know how long I waited for you to love me? How long for you to get rid of that bitch?..... five long years Matteo, five long fucking years! And you tell me you do love me, you will never love me?"

"Say it to my face, come on! Look me in the eye and tell me you don't love me and I will give up...because....because I can't take it anymore!" She held her chest as if in pain, she wished for him not to turn around and look her in the eye because that would mean her years of unrequited love and pain was all in vain.

Matteo spun on his heels in an instant and looked at her, his face held no expression but his eyes held guilt.

"I am sorry Willa, I don't love you, I love Dahlia.....I hope you find the one who truly loves you," he said.

Willa stared at him in shock, tears streaming freely down her eyes. She sniffed, wiping her eyes and smiled.

"Then I guess this is where it ends," she got up from the floor, she still needed to maintain her dignity. At least.

"So much for high expectations, I wish you the best in your newly found love Matteo," she smiled brightly amidst in tears and walked away. On her way out she ran into Dahlia who was eavesdropping by the corner.

"Are you okay," Dahlia almost slapped herself for asking such stupid question.

"I am fine, I am sorry for the way I behavior a while ago," she apologized.

"I understand....will you be happy?"

"As long as Matteo is...I am, thank you for loving him," she flashed her a bright smile and walked away.

"You know it's wrong to eavesdrop on other people's conversations," his deep voice broke the temporal silence going on in Dahlia's head.

"You were late, what was I to do?" She glared at him, "you might also have to tell me what went on between you two."

"Yes my queen, let's do that later, now we have to be at the dinning area," he wrapped his arms around her waist and drew her to himself whispering in her ears.

"Let's go then my king," she smiled blushing.


Wow, this was quite short, just 900+ words, we getting to the end, hopefully we would get there.

I feel bad for Willa, five long years of unrequited love only to come back filled with high expectations and have them dashed to the ground.

Let's wish Willa luck in finding love.💘💘

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