Chapter 50

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"And if it isn't Doggy Dio," she smiled overly sweet in a sarcastic way. Diego grimaced at the nickname and pointed at her.

"Did I not tell you to never call me that?"

"And I told you to never call me Willa Willy Wonka, didn't I?" She fired back at him.

"Argh, you know what? I can't fight with you," he surrendered and ordered for a glass of Martini. Matteo frowned at his drunk brother ordering for another drink.

"Hey Thalia! Come take your boyfriend away from here before he disgraces himself," he yelled making her turn around swiftly.

"I didn't know Casanova had a girlfriend," Willa smirked, teasing him and he glowered at her in annoyance.

"Of course I have a girlfriend," he scoffed only for Thalia to refute him.

"He is not my boyfriend, goddammit," she refuted.

"Of course you are baby," he grabbed her waist as she was within reach and smacked her lips against his, Thalia shrieked and jumped out of his arms blushing embarrassedly.

" are drunk asshole, don't....don't say what y-you don't know," she stammered and grabbed his arm and pulled him away from the bar.

Matteo and Dahlia tried to stifle their laughter, they tried though, Dahlia let out a small giggle and Thalia glared at her before dragging the clingy man with her away from the bar.

"There you guys are," Vren, Matteo's dad walked up to them just after Thalia and her “boyfriend” had left.

"Hi Dad," Willa greeted in a tiny cute voice, Dahlia rolled her eyes and scoffed discreetly.

"Willa? Gosh you are here! When did you come back from France? Why didn't you call us?" He questioned.

"I wanted it to be a surprise, after I heard that Lana had finally gotten justice I was so happy, so I planned to surprise you," she teared up a little and wiped an invisible tears from her eyes. Dahlia again scoffed at this.

"After the party, see us before you leave," Vren said placing a hand on her shoulder like she was his daughter and Dahlia felt a little jealous just watching them.

Vren turned to his son and spoke, "You don't mind giving a speech Matteo?"

"No at all, Dad,"

"I would have made Diego give the speech but that irresponsible brother of yours is dead drunk, I don't know what to do to him," Vren slapped his forehead and sighed wearily.

"Don't worry Dad, he has a caring girlfriend," he held Dahlia's hand and looked into her eyes. "Just like l have."

Dahlia blushed and looked away, her eyes met Willa's glaring ones and for a brief moment, she sent a victory smile to her.

"Okay now love bird, time for your speech," Vren chuckled.

"Wait for me Marissa, I'll back before you know it," he said smiling lovingly and followed his dad away.

It was just the two of the them at the bar.....and of course the bartender who subtly shifted away from them sensing the tense atmosphere between them.

"What are you to him?" Willa asked eyeing her from head to toes in a bitchy kind of way.

"His girlfriend," Dahlia replied aloofly with an indifferent look. Willa sauntered up to her intimidatingly with an angry expression written on her face.

"He is mine, I have pursued him for years now, don't expect me to give up, I suggest you back off," she condescendingly said.

"If you are going to be another Marilyn then I would spare myself the hussle and plant a bullet in your fucking skull," it was difficult talking but Dahlia needed to tell this bitch that she was no pushover, "right here," she stepped forward looking her straight in the eye, "right now."

A flicker of fear flashed past Willa's hazel orbs which she quickly covered with a look of false bravery.

"Humph! As if," she tutted.

"Try me," Dahlia raised a brow smirking. That act alone scared Willa, she could only shoot her a flickering scared glare and walked away to the crowd.

Dahlia touched her throat and winced, she took her purse walked elegantly towards the crowd of rich men and women, she lost in her thoughts when she heard her name.

"Uh?" She looked around to see everyone staring at her, including Matteo who was on the stage.

"Marissa?" He smiled stretching his hand out gesturing at her to come up. She quickly composed herself and walked to the stage though not knowing why she was called.

"This beautiful woman is the reason why my sister got justice, if not for her, my sister's murderer would still be roaming the streets free, thank you Marissa," Matteo said staring at the woman he loved with all his heart and soul, all he wanted to do was to kiss her senselessly.

Dahlia blushed shyly, so that was why she was called to the stage. She smiled and whispered “you are welcome” to him.

Taking the mic, she introduced herself to the crowd.

"Hello, I am Dahlia Marissa Banks, the personal assistant and girlfriend to this wonderful man here. I am equally happy that Lana had finally gotten justice and can now rest in peace."

"I wasn't the only person involved, my love supported my all through the way," she held Matteo's hand whilst looking at the crowd and at a specific person.

"I love you Matteo," she said and kissed him, the crowd applaused instantly. Matteo was left stunned but as she was about to pull away, he deepened the kiss.

Dahlia who was aiming for a little peck on the lips, got a french kiss.

Willa's face twisted as she clenched her fingers in anger watching the scene.

Somewhere in the mansion

The figure of a man stood in the garden of the mansion watching and listening to the two couples on the stage, a look of happiness and pain swirled in his eyes.

He was happy because the woman was alive and pained because she had fallen in love with another, his eyes roamed the around the large room till it fell on a familiar red head cautioning a drunk man.

"Finally," he whispered before turning around and going back the way he came.

She Hates The Billionaire जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें