Part 3 Legends pov

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A/N tw: this chapter has dislocated bones and describes them. I am not super knowledgeable about this so some parts may be inaccurate. And there is also some gore

"I pity you for my own selfish reason" The vampire started to walk away from me "I love you, freak" They didn't look back, my jaw dropped. They can love? And me of all people? My words stay true I guess, they are a freak for loving someone like me but so am I for loving the freakish monster that is Eeper 1. Freakish just isn't the right word but perfect is so wrong but yet so accurate. Their caramel colored hair that falls just below their shoulders that's held together with a sleeping mask that rests above their eyebrows. The blue of the mask made their brown eyes pop. I need to stop.

I pushed my elbows back into 45 degree angles and shoved myself up. What did they think they could do for me? My ankle is clearly dislocated. What am I going to do? Surely I can't fix it myself, right? Nah, I can try and if I fail maybe I'll die. Not too bad of a risk in this situation. Slowly as I leaned forward I grabbed my shoe off and pulled down my sock, in order to see what I'm doing better. Both hands steady on my ankle it hurts like hell but maybe just maybe it'll be worth it. I started to push the bone back into place, or what I think is its place when Eeper 1 popped around the corner and scarmed "What in the divine ones are you doing!"

The sudden yelling made me jump a bit and my hands slipped, pushing the bone into place I think. Suddenly it felt like I was stabbed but not a painful stab weirdly enough. "Um.." I stopped. What am I meant to say? "Fixing a problem you can't?"

"Do you know how stupid that is!" They screamed as they rushed over. Eeper 1 looked shocked and relieved to see that I somehow fixed it. How did I even do that? I was sitting there weak and vulnerable and Eeper 1 glared at me. What did they want? "You know how you look right now, hunter?" A grin formed on their face. "Like a perfect snack~"

Shit! I pushed myself backwards until my lower back was pressed up against the armrest on the couch. Eeper 1s soft gaze hardened but along came a smile "what's wrong? Didn't you expect this? Someone so cute is bound to taste good" They think I'm cute? Didn't expect that. Wait, where are they going to bite me? Almost every inch of me is covered. They grabbed my face from both sides, their touch still soft but strong. No use trying to fight it. Eeper 1 grabbed the top of my mask and pulled it down. Eeper 1s cool hands ran down my neck, it was like i couldn't move. I was stuck in place and time had stopped except the vampire's hands pulling my mask down and off. Goosebumps formed under their touch. My voice left my throat, my muscles went stiff and my body paralyzed itself.Their breath was warm on my skin as they laughed "so cute~" Their fangs scraped along my skin before sinking in place, it hurt and I
tried to move but nothing happened. I was frozen, everything but Eeper 1 was. Under their grip my body wilted. My vision blurred and my head went foggy.

My eyes blinked back open. Still alone and now with neck pain. It was like holes were punctured into my neck. Oh wait. Holes were punctured into my neck. That asshole. I need to find a way home. Well back to the cottage. Home is too far, it's out of reach. I'll never get back. Never. My hand went to my neck. Bandaged? Why would they do that for me? It's sweet of them- STOP IT!

Ugh i can't keep fighting myself. I don't love them. All they have done is bring harm and horror to my life. Someone who loves you wouldn't do that. I glanced at the front door. Ground level room, easy escape. Eeper 1 must've thought of that right? Right? Before I noticed I moved I was at the front door holding the handle. I twisted my hand to the right and the door wasn't locked. I took one step and another then I sprinted. Where am I even going?! I don't know how to get back to the cottage. I'm weak from blood loss and hunger. Has to be part of their master plan. Why not just kill me! I deserve it! I tried killing t-

I wasn't paying attention and slammed into a tree. Birds and squirrels bolted away as my body failed on itself and collapsed. I heard a small chuckle before my eyes closed.

"Silly" I couldn't hear the next few words. "You never learn… â€"-" hands grabbed me and picked me up "--- perfect for â€"--"

Later maybe hours? days? a month? Some time later I was in my bed? The one in the cottage. This place is lonely. Somehow for some reason I miss Eeper 1. Being around someone is nice even if they did hurt me. What am I thinking? Why does everything feel so weird? I heard a soft humming noise come from another room. It was a nice melody that made everything I was thinking about fade except Eeper 1. I suddenly saw them. Kind of. They aren't here but I see them. They swallowed hard and walked towards me. "Are you alright dear? You hit your head quite hard." Dear? They called me dear. They must have seen my confused expression. "You don't remember, do you?"

I shook my head "no" My own voice I couldn't hear but I think I said no. I soft chuckle came from Eeper 1's lips. Such a nice voice they have.

"Well… I guess that's alright. I'll remind you of everything my love" The smiled and sat down next to me. "You have been out for a long time."

"How?" I asked, why can't I hear my voice? What am I saying? Why? Why can't I hear anything but Eeper 1?!

"How? Why you hit your head" They said with their smile falling. Did I just say how? I didn't mean to.

Again a head shake "no how long" I hope I said the right thing this time. If not this is really embarrassing. Should I be embarrassed? All I know is that I shouldn't be asking myself so many questions I don't have an answer to.

They smiled again but this time more… evil? "For a long time. I wasn't really counting" The makes sense. I closed my eyes and they started humming again. Such a nice sound

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