Part 2 Eeper 1s pov

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I grabbed the brass handle of the bathroom cabinet and reached for the small dusty first aid kit. That creature bit me and I need to make sure I don't get infected. I dug my thumb under the small white plastic hinge on the box and pushed up. It left a red imprint on my thumb, why does it need to be so hard to open? Whatever, I grabbed the small half empty bottle of rubbing alcohol and a plastic bag of cotton balls along with a large elbow band aid with a duck on it, it's the only one I have big enough to cover this nasty bite. I sighed as I stared at my floating clothes in the mirror. Sometimes I wish I could see my own reflection. I set the cotton ball bag and the rubbing alcohol down on the counter. Both hands went to the bottle, one holding it down and the other pressing down on the stupid child proof cap. I hate these damn things. I must be doing this wrong because it's not clicking out of the lock. The bottle started to shake in my hand but that's fine right? I kept pushing down on the lid until the bottle shook so hard it slipped from my grasp and smashed on the counter. "Shit…" I mumbled, and quickly grabbed the bag of cotton balls and opened it. The seal slightly ripped but whatever I grabbed a cotton ball or 2 or 3 I just grabbed a small clump of them and whipped them across the rubbing alcohol filled with glass. Glass filled rubbing alcohol, great. I picked out some glass and scrubbed the cotton ball clump into my right hand. It stung mostly from the rubbing alcohol but also from the small shards of glass scraping across my hand. Once I was content with how clean the mark was I tossed the cotton balls to the side and grabbed the band aid. The fluffy yellow duck smiled up at me. Ew. I do like ducks but it's too cute. I pulled both sides of the flimsy white paper off the bandaid and slapped it on my hand. Good enough. I stepped back and looked at the mess I made. I can deal with that later, I need to check on Legend. Make sure that hunter doesn't get any ideas, the floors and walls are made out of wood. A mistake on my part. I took a single step forward before I noticed how quiet it was. That's not good. Kidnapped people are like children, if it gets too quiet someone is dead or something is broken. My pace quickened, I swear to the divine ones if this hunter did something. I grabbed the door handle, completely ready to unlock it. Shit! I didn't lock it. I swung the door open and it slammed into the wall and it bounced back at me while sounding like the screams of the damned. Empty. The room was empty and with a hole in the wall big enough to give Legend space to jump. Oh no. The sun shined through the hole, forcing me to step back. My hand found its way to my pocket and I pulled out a small travel sized parasol. The perfect sun shield. One hand at the handle base and the other pushing up to open it. I took a breath and took a step forward, the parasol aimed towards the light I dread so much. I heard a soft groan of pain coming from below me. Must be Legend? With uncertainty in my walk I took another step and another and another until I was standing right in front of the hole in the wall legend made with the parasol shielding me from the evil rays of sunlight. Below me was the hunter, laying on the ground in visible pain. Should I help? It may be a trap but Legend may be hurt. I took one foot and placed it in the air in front of me and fell. I drifted down to the ground thanks to the parasol, it comes in handy. Not a trap, I heard legend wince in pain as I got close. "Dumbass" It looked like he hurt his foot so without touching it i picked him up. He's really light and small.
"Let go!" Legend hissed. Not a chance I'm going to do that. He's hurt and needs help

I sighed, why is this hunter so annoying? "No. You're hurt." I grumbled. It's that simple, no other reason, and like I find them- my thought was interrupted by legends voice.
Legend groaned "Ugh fine but only because I don't have a choice." Oh yeah. He doesn't have a choice in this, I have him in my arms, right outside my house, he's got no weapons to attack me with. Defenseless. Legend is defenseless and in my control. He's right where I want him. Though I might not hurt him, it'd be a shame to see someone this cute get anymore hurt.

Holding him and the parasol just won't work and I handed it to Legend "Hold this up, and don't get any ideas, I am the one helping you" I saw a glimmer of hope rise and fade on his face. He looked mad and disappointed. Good. Legend grabbed the parasol and held it over my head and I started walking around the perimeter of the house. The grass was fairly soft despite being dead. "You're a fool hunter." No response came from legend.

Once inside I set him down on the couch and walked back to the bathroom to get the first aid kit. What are the odds I need it twice in a day? Hopefully there aren't any cuts on him, now that I have no rubbing alcohol. I should have cleaned this mess up. Glass shards everywhere, cotton balls have fallen from the bag to other parts of the counter, the sink, the floor just everywhere. The rubbing alcohol that spilled stained the floors and pooled on the counter. All a mess. A mess for later, Legend needs me right now.

I grabbed the first aid kit, closed it and turned away from the mess I made and walked away, back downstairs and to the couch. "I'm back, how bad are you hurt?"

Legend stared and shook his head "it's nothing you can fix." I took his ankle in my hand to see what damage was caused. He shrieked from pain. I set it down "don't touch me freak!" Legend hissed at me.

"Freak?!" I yelled "If i was a freak I'd leave you outside to die!" He went quiet, good he should be sorry. "You are lucky I pity you, hunter!"

Legend shook his head and yelled back "Then you should've left me! I don't want your pity!" I stood there before turning away.

"I pity you for my own selfish reason" I started walking away "I love you, freak" I didn't dare look back at Legend to see his reaction. Maybe I am a freak, falling in love with someone I just met and a hunter of all people.

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