Chapter 35 Bonus- Sawyer and the Duo

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Chapter 35 Bonus- Sawyer and the Duo


Jasper presses himself against my back while August sandwiches me between them as they both start to touch me. They look at each other for a moment before speaking at the same time. "Time to play."

"Yes, sir."

I moan softly once their hands start moving. Jasper leans down to kiss my neck while using both hands to grab my ass whereas August snakes his arms around me to pinch at my nipples while slipping one hand down the front of my shorts.

He presses his lips firmly to my ear and hums softly, "Let's get you tied up."

They lead me to the center of the room while Jasper reaches up to pull the chains down. August lifts my arms above my head and uses the metal cuffs to keep them in the air.

I relax my body while Jasper starts to undress. He takes off his shirt and pants while August walks around the room to grab everything they'll be using on me.

I make sure not to peek too much. Most doms don't like when submissives are nosy about what will happen. August comes back and puts a blindfold on me. I always loved the blindfold. They used to change positions so often that I could never tell which was which unless they're talking.

"Your safeword is still beetlejuice?"

"Yes, sir." I reply to August, waiting for my next command.

I don't hear anything else, but I do feel two hands grabbing my thighs. Jasper. He lifts me up, and I wrap my legs around his waist, feeling his hands trail all the way up my hips and chest. He wraps one hand around my neck, squeezing for just a few seconds, long enough to make me get lightheaded.

Jasper feels more rough than August. His hands have a more tough calloused feeling. He's a mechanic, so it makes sense. He works with his hands all day.

August is more gentle. He's methodical and steady with his touches. He's a doctor, so it's normal for him to really think everything through.

Jasper squeezes my neck again before leaning down more to kiss my neck and shoulder. He slips my shorts off and presses his length against mine, moving his hips just enough to give me a bit of friction.

They never kiss subs on the lips. Sex can be as meaningless as either party chooses, but kisses are more. A kiss is intimate in a way that they only want to share with each other. The subs they play with are there only for sexual pleasure, and they wouldn't even imagine making a submissive think that it was more than that.

I moan softly, feeling wet fingers poking at my hole after a few moments. I haven't done this in a while, so my body is definitely not ready to take them both yet. The fingers slowly slip into me, poking around while spreading to prepare me for what's going to come next.

After being stretched for a moment, August pulls them out.
Jasper moves my legs further apart while keeping them wrapped around his waist. He lines himself up with my entrance and doesn't hesitate to push into me.

He's not too fast or too slow, but I still feel sharp pains shooting up my spine. I've grown to love that feeling. I wince and let out a little noise of discomfort while Jasper just laughs softly. "You're still so tight. I love hearing you whine."

"Be nice." August tells him, kissing my back while pushing his fingers into me again.

I've thought about why sex feels so good. Once I got past the simplicity of it just being the reaction of my nerves, I started focusing on how I felt emotionally. That was when I realized why I like the things I do.

In my life, I tend to be controlling. That's what sparked Teagan and I's argument in the first place. I ignored his suggestion and gave him some excuse like 'because she's my sister'.

I submit because I don't want control. As a matter of fact, I want the opposite. I want to feel like I couldn't take control even if I tried. That's why I like rough treatment. The weaker I feel, the more pleasure I get. It's not quite CNC, but it's similar.

Being with them first taught me a lot about the act itself. When they fuck me it's like they're taking away my control. Each inch that gets sucked up inside of me takes more and more of my control away.

The fact that there's two of them only makes it better. Just when I think I'm filled to the brim and can't take anymore, the other one comes in to push me over the edge.

August prefers to go in last. He seems like the more docile one. Naturally, he's sweet and gentle, but I'm well aware that once he gets into it, he's even harder to restrain than Jasper is.

"I'm mean? You're one to talk. He wants you, baby. Just put it in."

August continues to be gentle for a little longer, but I'm getting quite bored with it. "Please, Master August. Please just fuck me."

Jasper leans in and licks the shell of my ear. "You made him snap."

I wait, shifting a bit, but I don't get to move much before August slams into me even harder than Jasper did.

My eyes widen under the blindfold and my jaw drops at the intensity of the pain going through my whole body. I let out a shout and breathe faster as they thrust into me. I never got time to adjust to them, so each thrust sends shocks of pain and pleasure through me.

They always seem to be in perfect sync. When one pulls out, the other thrusts in, so I never even get to relax as they take turns slamming into my prostate.

"Fuck... s-slow down. Please, just a little." I whine. They've hardly done anything to me, and my legs are already shaking.

Jasper ignores me and leans down to press his lips to my shoulder again before sinking his teeth into it. The bite doesn't break my skin, but I am a little nervous that it will leave a mark that won't go away for a while.

August puts his hand in my hair and pulls so that my head is leaning back on his shoulder. "Shut up or I'll gag you. You chose us for a reason, Sweetheart. You love this."

"Y-Yes, Sir. More. Please make me cum." I try to clear my head, remembering all of the things that Teagan taught me about being a sub. Clear your mind if you want real pleasure. Let your body and most primal instincts dictate what happens next.

I try to breathe deeper, clearing my mind. Everything else seems to fade away once I do. My body gets hotter and feels more sensitive to their touches. It's like I can feel every part of them. Their hands move across my body, touching and grabbing me like I'm free to claim.

My eyes flutter under the blindfold when Jasper chokes me again. August switches between smacking my thigh and pulling my hair, but his hands are just slightly smaller than Jasper's so I can tell that it's him.

Jasper leaves more bites on me. Each one feels better than the last, but my stomach churns at the thought of Teagan seeing them. After this I still have a week before we get back together. Maybe they'll heal by then.

August thrusts into me a few more times before holding my hips in place. He cums inside of me, causing me to tense up so that I don't accidentally cum without permission.

Jasper gets tougher with me when he's close. He grabs my thighs so hard that his fingers dig in enough to leave bruises. His hips snap against mine the last few times before he releases inside of me as well.

"Cum, Sawyer."

My head tilts back and my back arches as I cum on our chests. After a few seconds, Jasper steps away, leaving me to stand with my arms above my head just like before.

After about a minute, I tilt my head. "Jasper? Will you take me down? We're finished."

His hand swings out, connecting to my cheek with a noise that sounds a lot worse than it felt. Honestly, it's just a little stinging feeling. It won't even bruise. "I decide when we finish."

August uncuffs me and lifts me up to carry me towards what I assume is their bed. He drops me on the soft mattress and adds to what Jasper said. "Surely you didn't think we were done yet. You saw the contract, right? You're ours for the whole night."

I bite my bottom lip to hide my smirk. "Of course. Use me as you please, Sir."

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