Ch 3

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[Graphic description TW!]

"Bold."/"Bold italic" : animatronic is talking/animatronic is talking in mind

"Normal."/"Normal italic." : human is talking/human is talking in mind


"Uncle, don't laugh!"

"I'm not laughing." Even though Henry Emily said that, Michael knew he was trying to control himself from cackling again in the middle of his activity of repairing his house telephone. "I wouldn't laugh at how that grocery owner brought up what happened in 1983, Michael, more like trying holding myself over how someone made an issue with the eyepatch you're wearing." The chuckle of his father's friend could be heard again, Michael had expected it and gritted his teeth in irritation as he narrowed his eyes at the light brown-haired man. Not long after, Henry stopped laughing. "But, by the way, how did you break your telephone?"

This question made Michael sigh in annoyance. He leaned his back against the back of a wooden chair, watching Henry return to repairing his house's communication equipment. Actually, it wasn't damaged too badly, but at that time Ennard still dropped it from a height by accident. "Well I had, a small fight, with Ennard," he answered, his shoulders slouching up before they slumped again.

He saw Henry put down the screwdriver after he gave his answer, Henry stared at him worried, like what he had expected again. "What happened?"


"Michael ...."

Damn it, he couldn't say no. Henry had looked after him since their lives suddenly turned upside down into misery, although he couldn't see him as a replacement for his father. It was too cruel, considered a substitute. Henry was a figure he could consider a close uncle. "I," Michael folded his arms in front of him as his lips pursed and his forehead furrowed, "made him angry and then we got into a fight and he dropped the phone."

"Then you only came to me a week after that happened?"

"I thought you were busy!" Michael quickly straightened up and avoided it, refusing to take the blame (even though Henry didn't actually blame him but he did start the fight). Michael frowned softly, he slowly leaned back in the chair. "It's not my fault he's so annoying and won't leave me alone."

A sigh could be heard from Henry, apparently Michael felt guilty for making the man concerned; he was sure that during that week Henry must've tried to contact him and couldn't get a single call. Ennard has now lost his right eye, only a white LED light adorned the metal eye socket and he didn't regret doing it at all, even though as soon as he came home Ennard immediately scowled at him for hours. Ennard also apparently found his clown mask which he hid behind the washing machine. At least they're even with the eye problem, because he as well almost lost the sight in one of his eyes due to Ennard's actions in that room.

He reached for the cup of tea, Henry had made him the soothing drink when he came over, so the liquid felt calming on his tongue. With his mind full Michael was enjoying his tea, thinking about everything at once—he really needed something to distract him rather than continuing to act depressed like this. Henry's glance at him didn't go unnoticed, he put the almost empty cup on the table and leaned forward slightly.

"What?" he asked, Henry blinked in surprise; didn't seem to really expect him to suddenly ask a question. The man seemed awkward, his smile was crooked, a sign that he was hesitant to speak his mind. "Just ask, Uncle, what's wrong?"

Henry shook his head slowly. "It's nothing big ... I still don't know how your body can digest liquids. Your insides are gone."

His tone sounded cautious in Michael's ears, seemingly afraid that it would offend him but Michael let out a small snort and laughed briefly. "I don't know either, as long as it's liquid, I can digest it." He shrugged. "Maybe the drink I drank directly absorbed into my body rather than directly—you know, flowing out of the hole in my stomach," Michael continued, Henry nodded several times. "How did it happen?"

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