*My Love My Pain* - RAINA OS - SLIDE 2

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At night ,

Raghav wakes up and move to balcony and looks at the opposite house and drifts to memories.

F.B. 6 Months Back ;

a college entrance is shown which labelled AMR COLEGE and when we move inside we can see a man of mid twenties entering to college and whole girls looking no precisely staring at him and whole boys feeling jealous of him except 3 boys who looking at him happily.

suddenly a group of girls calls him out and he turns to them ,

girls : are you new professor here,

'yes' he replies.

girls : your good name sir ?

'RAGHAV....RAGHAV BHATRA' . Saying this he enters to principal room. while every girls goes flat on his voice.

from the girls two girls goes goes out of campus which unnoticied by everyone.

@jeevika's home

the girl's enter and see shalakha who ironing clothes,

Shalakha : where madams went early morning ?

Bela : to submit project otherwise that witch will take our head right.

Shalakha : I thought if you both become good girls

Brinda : you know a good looking professor has joined our collge, just now we saw him entering principal room.

Shalakha : woah in war zone, new soldier ..super..in which department?

Bela : Ofcourse in our department ,idiot. where is she let's inform her?

Shalakha : princess is taking bath, afterall there's still timr left for our entry right..

Brinda : that's true, btw where is jeevika di?

Shalakha : just now she left saying an important meeting.

Bela : anyway let's move to ahaana , why she is taking this much time?

@in girl's room

shalakha : Ahaana..why are you taking this much time..here is your dress ..come out..

aahana : it will be bore if I come out like this..

Bela: this girl..

Brinda: a new sir is here in our department

aahana : then we've to come give him a welcome..you guys wait 15 min I'll come

shalakha: okay ..and they goes out..

40 min later


Raghav was in middle of the session when our girls arrived..

ahaana : excuse me sir

Raghav: yes

ahaana : shall we

Raghav: do you four belongs to this girls

Bela : yes sir till yesterday we were in this class ..

students laugh ..

Raghav : don't laugh for all foolishness and as it's my first class I leave it..get in ..

girls enter and sit in their seats..

Raghav turn to write key points in board while ahaana slowly comes to first seat and fire crackers and throw to front and rush back to her seat..

🎆🎇🎆🎇🎆🎇🧨whole compounds listens the crackers sound...

at same time,
Raghav turn abruptly, while maahir(who in first class) jerks the book fall from his hand , advay(who in next third class) get shock while boys who are in advay's class..

mihir : is today deepavali? while aarav dikshit shrugs their shoulders..

and finally we can see in the principal room which is at the end of the same floor, principal who was about to take some file stopping hearing the sound and taking deep breaths in anger..

so what's going to happen now.

so sorry guys for  a short update and me being super late but I can't do anything as I was busy with my admission process is going on and soon my postgraduation classes starts maximizing 1 more month to go ..i know there are no pics in this part  but don't worry I'll compensate jt in next part.

take care guys
good night

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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